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Frequently used admin commands

If you're running a multiplayer world, here is a list of some key commands you might find particularly useful.


Format *attach [PLAYER_NAME]
Description Relocates you near to the position of the named player


Format *bring [PLAYER_NAME]
Description Relocates the named player near to you


Format *buildetails
Description Prints details of the nearest building


Prints a message in everyone's chat saying that the player was flogged by you.


Prevents the player from sending any chat messages (Note, they will not be made aware that their chat has been gagged).


Relocates you to the named building.


Disconnects the player from the server. (Note they will be able to come back in immediately unless you have used a ban or other method to prevent them returning)


Reloads the Data\Weapons.txt file which contains the definition of all weapons used on your world.


*setallvehicles [VEHICLE_NUM 1-24]
Sets everyone currently on the world to the specified vehicle num.


*setvehicle [PLAYER_NAME] [VEHICLE_NUM 1-24]
Sets the player to a specific vehicle (ignoring any restrictions that would normally apply).


*showbill [PLAYER_NAME]
Prints key details of the player, including ID, wealth, age, damage etc.


*showitems [PLAYER_NAME]
Prints the player's current inventory.


*showsameid [PLAYER_NAME]
Prints details of players who have logged on from the same computer as this player.


Shut down the server.


Prints details of your world - e.g. Number of players who've visited, number currently alive etc.


*usage [PLAYER_NAME]
Prints details of how long the player has been active on this world.


Deletes the player's record from the server.

reference/server_commands/frequently_used.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/17 19:08 by mit

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