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Vehicles & Controls Overview

There are 24 different vehicles available on your world. As the World Owner you can access any at any time by using the command *setvehicle [name] [Vehicle Number].

A vehicle settings interface will be developed in the future, meantime you change the behaviour of any of the vehicles using the Vehicles section of the Raw Settings : F10SettingsVehicles

See the 'Changing your vehicle models' section to change the graphics used for each of your vehicles.

Vehicle Control Mode

Each vehicle has a 'Control Mode' - a primary setting which determines what kind of vehicle it is and what control system is used.

The most common control modes currently are :

Control Mode Value Description
0 Basic Ground vehicle - Original A Tractor control mode
1 Ground vehicle - More 'arcade-feel' control mode, also slightly more physically accurate than 0.
2 Airplan control mode
3 Boat
5 Hovercraft - Controls like Mode 1 but floats on water
27 Point and click - Controls like mode 0 but player can click on screen to go to a destination

Some modes are interchangeable (for instance, changing from mode 1 to the hovercraft mode 5 shouldn't affect your setup in any way, except that the vehicle will now float), but some modes use completely different scales or values for their behaviour. It's best to make sure you select the mode you want before you adjust the other settings..

Raw Vehicle Settings Reference

Control Mode

Value Description
0 Ground vehicle - Original A Tractor control mode
1 Ground vehicle - More 'arcade-feel' control mode, also slightly more physically accurate than 0.
2 Flight control mode
3 Boat
4 Ground vehicle - Repeat of mode 1 but the vehicle 'sticks' to the ground.
5 Hovercraft - Controls like Mode 1 but floats on water
6 Simplified flight mode (similar to the 'robocrow' control)
7 Strafe Ground vehicle - As mode 0 but with strafe keys.
8 Directional control for ground vehicles. (Designed to be used in topdown mode - see Cam Type 4 etc.)
9 As mode 0, but the vehicle cannot enter deep-water
10 As mode 1, but the vehicle cannot enter deep-water
11 A turret control mode where rotating the view does not affect the direction of travel.
12 alternative version of 11, but the vehicle cannot rotate on without moving forwards
13 Same as 0 but with gravity applied at 1/10th of normal
14 Same as 1 but with gravity applied at 1/10th of normal
15 Same as 0 but with gravity applied at 1/2 of normal
16 Same as 1 but with gravity applied at 1/2 of normal
17 Reserved for new ground vehicle control
18 Balloon Control
19 Topdown flight mode (Bluemax stylee) (WIP)
20 Reserved for helicopter control mode
21 TBD
22 TBD
23 TBD
24 TBD
25 TBD
26 TBD
27 TBD
28 TBD
29 TBD
30 TBD
31 TBD
32 TBD

Slope Behaviour

  • 0 - The model rolls and pitches in response to the landscape it is over (when in contact with the ground).
  • 1 - The vehicle's model always remains vertical when it is on the ground.
  • 2 -
  • 3 -

Primary Weapon

Primary weapon type (By default, triggered by pressing CTRL - although this can be changed with other settings). For further info on weapons, see the Weapons Overview.

Secondary Weapon

Secondary weapon type (By default, triggered by pressing TAB - although this can be changed with other settings). For further info on weapons, see the Weapons Overview.


Value Description
0 No Extras
1 Vehicle has a jetpack (which the player can use at any time by pressing 'Delete')
2 Vehicle can use jetpack if the player has the 'jetpack' item
3 Vehicle can jump (using tab)
4 Vehicle can jump and has jetpack
5 No Extras
6 No Extras
7 'Always Run'

Reverse Percentage

This controls the speed of the vehicle when reversing, as a fraction of the normal top speed - i.e. 50% means the vehicle goes twice as fast forward than in reverse.

(Shift) Turn Percentage

This value modifies the rate of turn on the vehicle when the player holds 'Shift' in combination with the arrow keys. So, for instance, a value of 200 % means that a vehicle turns twice as fast when the player is holding shift. Usually this value would be around 110-120, so that shift increases the turn rate slightly but not so much that it would become disconcerting. This can also be set lower than 100 to slow the turn when the player holds shift, but this is not usually the desired behaviour.

Turret Pitch Limit

Angle (in degrees) to which a vertical turret on this vehicle can pitch.

Camera Type

This setting gives you control on how the camera behaves for the vehicle - making it so the vehicle can only be used from a 'topdown' view for instance.

  • 0 - Normal mode. Zoomable 3d view camera that follows the player and reacts to the landscape.
  • 1 - First person camera only.
  • 2 - High, distant camera locked at a fixed range and orientation behind the player.
  • 3 - As 2 but much closer in and lower.
  • 4 - Non-zoomable short range top-down view.
  • 5 - Non-zoomable mid-range top-down view.
  • 6 - Non-zoomable long-range top-down view.
  • 7 - Zoomable topdown view
  • 8 - Topdown view that automatically zooms out based on the speed of the player.
  • 9 - Topd own view fixed at height a little above the maximum of the landscape. Useful for map-editing.
  • 10 - Fixed, horizontal 'behind the player' camera (similar to modes 2 and 3 but lower)
  • 11 - Normal zoomable cam but at half the normal distance.
  • 12 - Normal zoomable cam but at quarter the normal distance.
  • 13 - Normal zoomable cam but at one and a half times the normal distance.
  • 14 -
  • 15 - Zoomable camera set looking 45 degrees downwards at all time, focused on the player
  • 16 - Zoomable horizontal camera, positioned at height a little above the top of the player model.

Collision Damage

Not currently supported.

Gun Height


Turret Behaviour

  • 0 - Mouse controls turret elevation
  • 1 - Turret elevation fixed at horizontal
  • 2 - Turret elevation fixed at 30
  • 3 - Turret elevation fixed at 45

Cam Height

This is the height up the model that the first person camera is positioned (and also the height at which player labels are displayed, and it affects the position on which the main camera is focused). Its value is a percentage of the size of the model, hence 75% means that the first person camera is positioned three quarters of the way up the model.

Vehicle Type

This setting specifies the general type of the vehicle - whether its a person or a car or whateva. It doesnt affect the speed or behaviour of the vehicle at all.. but governs other graphical and optional things like headlights and graphical appearance.

  • 0 - Humanoid - No headlights. No engine sfx. No fuel consumption. No exit vehicle button. No horn (does a gesture animation instead)

(All below have an exit vehicle button if used)

  • 1 - Normal car - Specular lighting, headlights, engine sfx, fuel consumption, horn (if no weapons)
  • 2 - Non-shiny car. (As above but without specular lighting
  • 3 - Vehicle same as 1 but send out occasional puffs of smoke. (Tractor-stylee)
  • 4 - Vehicle same as 1 but sends out a continuous stream of smoke, which'll eventually look somethin like a steam engine.
  • 5 -

Cam Limit

Limits access to specified camera options when this vehicle is used

  • 0: Normal.. first person etc is allowed
  • 1: No camera view change allowed
  • 2: No camera view change, and crow mode is inaccessible too
  • 3: No camera view change, no mouse lock
  • 4: Camera change allowed but mouse lock isnt

Skill Level Required

Control Special Modes

  • 0: Vehicle can turn while in the air.
  • 1: Vehicle can't turn while in the air. (Does not affect plane settings)

Sound Triggers

  • 0: None
  • 1: Configurable sound 0 is played when player presses TAB, and sound 1 is played on shift + TAB.

Engine Noise


Hitch Limit

Maximum number of people that can hitch/attach to this vehicle.

Default level


Animation Control


Challenge Mode


Cam zoom modifier

If set to any non-zero value, this controls the camera distance as a percentage - i.e. 50 would half the normal camera distance when using this vehicle

Armour Strength

Armour modifies the amount of damage the vehicle receives when it is hit by weapons. A value of 100 means the vehicle takes the exact amount of damage set in the World settings for each weapon, less than 100 means the vehicle receives more damage and more than 100 means the damage is reduced.

The armour value is used as a percentage to calculate the actual damage done to a vehicle. A value of 25, means 400% damage is done, a value of 200 means 50% damage is done.

When the setting is 0, the default value of 100 (%) is used.

When initially creating weapon damage settings for your island, set all vehicle armour to 100, then modify them once you're happy with the overall damage settings.

Fuel Consumption

This is the rate at which the vehicle uses fuel. The actual amount of fuel consumed varies depending on how the vehicle is being driven (holding shift while accelerating makes the vehicle consume more fuel than normal).


This controls the number of items that can be carried in this vehicle - If it is set to 0 there is no capacity limit applied. The capacity does not include fuel or any other vehicles that the player posesses. Each item takes up a different amount of space, but as a guide, a capacity of 150 means a vehicle could carry 150 Machine Gun rounds (one of the smallest items) or 10 Trees (one of the largest items).

Cam Acceleration speed

Controls the speed at which the camera changes from turning left to turning right (or vice versa). In control mode 0, the camera direction can be considered equivalent to the direction in which the wheels on the vehicle are pointing (indeed, some animated vehicles will show this graphically).

Max cam speed

The maximum speed at which the camera will rotate. If you hold the left or right arrow for a long time and the camera starts to spin at too high a rate, you need to lower this value. For most modes, the default value of around 450 is recommended.



Turn Speed

Determines the rate at which the vehicle turns towards its destination orientation. or something like that

Acceleration / Shift Acceleration

How.. um.. quickly the vehicle.. um.. accelerates

Brake / Shift Brake


Top Speed / Shift Top speed






Air thrust


Animation Speed




Min Skid Speed


Traction Limit


Skid Friction


Hill Climb Max


Hill Climb Speed Mod


world_setup/vehicles_controls.1580658255.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/02 09:44 by mit

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