Map Types
The data file & format that records 'permanent'/static things added to your world is the .map file (usually stored in a server file 'Maps\'. One day I should write up the format here and people could make interesting map generation tools or something.
Meantime, this list contains the identification numbers for each type of object that can be stored in your island map. The main use for this list is in conjunction with the owner command '*delallmap' , which you can use to, for instance, remove all the trees from your map, but leaving everything else intact. The F10 world editor screens already present most of the useful cases for this function within the Tools menu.
Map types:
0 - Unused
1 - Forests
2 - Line of trees
3 - Buildings
4 - Unused
5 - Lines of surface
6 - Surface tiles
7 - Walls
8 - Unused
9 - Race checkpoints
10 - Unused
11 - Lakes
12 - River sources
13 - Surface boxes
14 - Spawn points
15 - Craters
16 - Rotated tiles
17 - RoboCrow flags
18 - Robocrow safe zones
19 - Texture maps
20 - Lines of background models
21 - Hornball pitches
22 - Hornball goals
23 - Map vehicles
24 - Surface paints
25 - Kricket wickets
26 - Kricket bowling region
27 - Kricket batting region
28 - Bongosquares pitch
29 - Wildlife Region
30 - Build zone
31 - No-build zone
32 - Building
33 - Scattering of BG models
34 - Soundzone
35 - Auto-road
36 - Custom race checkpoint
37 - Building connector
38 - Localised effect
39 - Single BG model
40 - Blocks
41 - Streetlight
42 - Line of streetlights
43 - Water surface (e.g Lake)
44 - RC safe zone
45 - Vehicle restriction zone
46 - Vehicle restriction respawn zone
47 - Script zone
48 - Game zone