Flags can be added to the world and then picked up and transported about by players. Usually flags are set to spawn at a base location on a specific building, and are set to have a 'capture destination' which is another building.
Example setup script that assigns two flags to two different buildings (Num 132 and 133) in the world.
*flagsetbase 1 133 1 *flagsetcapturedest 1 132 *flagsetbase 2 132 2 *flagsetcapturedest 2 133
Example code to keep track of flag-capture scores within a scripted subgame.
Event( "FlagCapture", "1" ) { SubgameIncrementScore( $kSubgameID, 1 ) *uieffect %PLAYER% 1 } Event( "FlagCapture", "2" ) { ..
To reset all flags back to their home base use *flagsreset.
To clear all flags from the world, use .wipeflags. (Note this is a (legacy) dot command.)
To add a flag to the world use
Static 'Crow' Flags
In addition to the pick-upable flags, you can add static 'flags' / capture-points to the world, that can be set to be capturable by a team - A member of team 1 touches the static flag and then that flag becomes team 1s. You can add lots of different static flags and have the game scoring system determined by the number of flags currently allocated to each team.
To add a static capture point, use the (odd) command .crowflag ; which adds the point at the closest tile corner.
The height at which the crowflag appears is determined by the RC height mode : *settings → Subgame → Robocrow Height Mode