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Building Information Functions

System functions that provide information about a building and its contents, and allow you to control the building UI.


Format sysAmountInStocks( Item_Name_or_Num )
Description Returns the amount of the item currently in the building's stocks
Example $amountInBuilding = sysAmountInStocks(“Wood”)


Format sysMaxAmountInStocks ( Item_Name_or_Num )
Description Returns the maximum amount of the item currently allowed in the building's stocks. (This value is set in the building editor tool, or can be manually lowered by the building owner)
Example $maxAmountInBuilding = sysMaxAmountInStocks(“Wood”)


Format sysGetBuyPrice( Item )
Description Returns the 'Buy Price' set for this item in the currently accessed building
Returns 'Buy Price' of the item in denari
Notes Related commands: *setbuyprice [BuildingID] [Item] [Price]


Event( "AccessBuilding", "2" )
    $buyPrice = sysGetBuyPrice( "Flour" )
    $buyPriceText = sysGetPriceText( $buyPrice )

    osdcreate( OSDBUILDING, "BakeryOSD", "Bakery" )
    osdadd( 200, 100, 200, 40, "Sell|Flour", "Buying flour ($buyPriceText)" )


Format sysGetSellPrice( Item_Name_or_Num )
Returns Price of the item in denari


Event( "AccessBuilding", "12" )
    osdcreate( OSDBUILDING, "Building", "Example" )
    $woodSellPrice = sysGetSellPrice( "Wood" )  
    if ( $woodSellPrice == 0 )
        osdadd( TEXT, 100, 100, 400, 0, "", "Not currently selling wood" )   
        $woodSellPriceText = sysGetPriceText( $woodSellPrice )
        osdadd( TEXT, 100, 100, 400, 0, "", "Currently selling wood at $woodSellPriceText" )


Format sysGetEmployeeID( Index )
Description Returns the employee player ID for the currently accessed building. Buildings can have up to 16 employees.
Returns PlayerID of the employee or 0 if none is set for this index
Notes Buildings currently have 16 possible slots for employees, index parameter is 0 - 15


Event( "AccessBuilding", "13" )
    osdcreate( OSDBUILDING, "Building", "Example" )
    $employeeID = sysGetEmployeeID( 0 )
    if ( $employeeID != 0 )
        $employeeName = sysGetPlayerName( $employeeID )
        osdadd( TEXT, 100, 100, 400, 0, "", "Employee : $employeeName" )   
        osdadd( TEXT, 100, 100, 400, 0, "", "There is no-one currently employed at this building" )


Format sysGetBuildingName( BuildingID )
Description Returns the building name for a particular ID
Returns The building name


Event( "UseItem", "Map" )
    $nearestTownID = sysGetNearestTown( $gPlayerWorldX, $gPlayerWorldY )
    $nearestTownName = sysGetBuildingName( $nearestTownID )
    *msg %PLAYER% The nearest town is $nearestTownName








Format sysBuildingGetTotalSold ( Item_Name_or_Num )
Description Returns the total amount of the item that has been sold (since the count was reset with *buildingresetsoldtotal). If item name is omitted or set to 0, a total of all items is provided.
Example $totalSold = sysBuildingGetTotalSold (“Wood”)


Format sysBuildingGetTotalMade ( Item_Name_or_Num )
Description Returns the total amount of the item that has been made (since the count was reset with *buildingresetmadetotal). If item name is omitted or set to 0, a total of all items is provided.
Example $totalMade = sysBuildingGetTotalMade (0)

Various information the context building is provided through System Values - relevant ones are:

$gBuildingX, $gBuildingY : X,Y location of the building in map coords (default 0 → 255)
$gBuildingCode : Building type code - the number of the building type in the buildings editor list
$gBuildingNum, $gBuildingAccessNum : Unique ID number of the specific building being accessed
$gBuildingWorldX, $gBuildingWorldY : X,Y location of the building in world coords
$gBuildingTeam : Team the building belongs to (or 0 if none)
$gBuildingCapacity : Capacity value of the building (e.g. for homes)
$gBuildingSpaceRemaining : Remaining capacity of the building (e.g. for homes)
$gBuildingTown : Town building num of the town the building is in (or 0 if the building is not in a town)
$gBuildingScriptParam, , $gBuildingOwnerID, $gBuildingNumEmployees, $gBuildingMaxEmployees, $gBuildingSalePrice, $gBuildingWage, $gBuildingInvestment, $gBuildingEfficiency, $gBuildingScore, $gBuildingType, $gBuildingDamage,

Collated Player Building Information

The following functions are somewhat different.. rather than being about a specific building, they return information about all the buildings a player currently owns.


Format sysPlayerBuildingsGetTotalMade ( PlayerID, Item_Name_or_Num )
Description Returns the total amount of the item that has been made in the player's current owned buildings. The total count can be reset using *buildingresetmadetotal [building_num] [item_num].
Example $madeTotal = sysPlayerBuildingsGetTotalMade([PlayerID], “Bread”)


Format sysPlayerBuildingsGetTotalSold ( PlayerID, Item_Name_or_Num )
Description Returns the total amount of the item that has been sold from the player's current owned buildings. The total count can be reset using *buildingresetsoldtotal [building_num] [item_num]
Example $madeTotal = sysPlayerBuildingsGetTotalSold([PlayerID], “Bread”)
scripting/reference/system_functions/buildinginformationfunctions.1690134207.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/23 12:43 by mit

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