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Table of Contents
Scripting Main UI
Most of the elements on the main UI (e.g. the ESC menu, time/status displays and chat box) are fixed or configurable primarily through settings.
Main UI settings
: (Link to some of the main settings controls).
Notification messages
: (Link to instructions for setting up notification messages)
Main On-screen Message
You can use the command *setmainmsg [PLAYER_NAME],[TEXT] to set a message which is permanently displayed at the top left of the player's screen. Generating the TEXT for this in script, using things like game score values or details about the player status allows you to provide dynamic information about the game to the player.
ScriptedOption command
Some UI elements can optionally be scripted by activation with the *scriptedoption command and the MenuOption event ( + others).
For example, you can change the buttons that appear when a player selects another in the player list to interact with (scriptedoptions 2-6), or you can add a scripted option to the ESC menu when the user presses ESC then F9 using:
*scriptedoption 1,World Tips
which when selected would trigger the event:
Event ("MenuOption", "1" ) { ... Insert your scripted OSD or other system here.. }
The full list of custom *scriptedoption parameters is:
1 - ESC then F9 - triggers Event( “MenuOption”, 1 )
2 - Player-player barter option replacement - triggers ?
3 - Player-player challenge option replacement - triggers ?
4 - Player-player custom option 1 (only appears if set) - triggers Event( “MenuOption”, 4 )
5 - Player-player custom option 2 (only appears if set) - triggers Event( “MenuOption”, 5 )
6 - Player-player custom option 3 (only appears if set) - triggers Event( “MenuOption”, 6 )
7 - Player-player custom option 4 (only appears if set) - triggers Event( “MenuOption”, 7 )
9 - [Unused atm]
10 - Battle system accept challenge option 1 - Triggers?
11 - Battle system accept challenge option 2 - Triggers?
12 - Battle system victor decision option 1 - Triggers?
13 - Battle system victor decision option 2 - Triggers?
14 - Battle system victor decision option 3 - Triggers?
15 - Optional extra button on towns menu, shows only for town owner - triggers Event( “TownButton”, “1” )
16 - 2nd optional extra button on towns menu, shows for all players - triggers Event( “TownButton”, “2” )
17 - 3rd optional extra button on towns menu, shows only for town owner - triggers Event( “TownButton”, “3” )
18 - Help & Info menu extra option 1 - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “18” )
19 - Help & Info menu extra option 2 - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “19” )
20 - 1st option available in the pub interface - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “20” )
21 - 2nd option available in the pub interface - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “21” )
22 - 3rd option available in the pub interface - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “22” )
23 - 4th option available in the pub interface - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “23” )
24 - 5th option available in the pub interface - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “24” )
25 - Additional netrek mode button: ? icon when not in orbit - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “25” )
26 - Additional netrek mode button: $ icon when not in orbit - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “26” )
27 - Additional netrek mode button: i icon when not in orbit - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “27” )
28 - Additional netrek mode button: arrow icon replaces refuel option when in orbit - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “28” )
29 - Additional netrek mode button: ? icon when in orbit - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “29” )
30 - Additional netrek mode button: $ icon when in orbit - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “30” )
31 - Additional netrek mode button: i icon when in orbit - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “31” )