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Scripting Main UI

Most of the elements on the main UI (e.g. the ESC menu, time/status displays and chat box) are fixed or configurable primarily through settings.

Main UI settings

FIXME: (Link to some of the main settings controls).

Notification messages

FIXME: (Link to instructions for setting up notification messages)

ScriptedOption command

Some UI elements can optionally be scripted through the *scriptedoption command and the MenuOption event ( + others).

For example, you can change the buttons that appear when a player selects another in the player list to interact with, or you can add a scripted option to the ESC menu when the user presses ESC then F9 using:

*scriptedoption 1,World Tips

which when selected would trigger the event:

Event ("MenuOption", "1" )
  ... Insert your scripted OSD or other system here..

The full list of custom *scriptedoption parameters is:

1 - ESC then F9 - triggers Event( “MenuOption”, 1 )
2 - Player-player barter option replacement - triggers ?
3 - Player-player challenge option replacement - triggers ?
4 - Player-player custom option 1 (only appears if set) - triggers Event( “MenuOption”, 4 )
5 - Player-player custom option 2 (only appears if set) - triggers Event( “MenuOption”, 5 )
6 - Player-player custom option 3 (only appears if set) - triggers Event( “MenuOption”, 6 )
7 - Player-player custom option 4 (only appears if set) - triggers Event( “MenuOption”, 7 )
9 - [Unused atm]
10 - Battle system accept challenge option 1 - Triggers?
11 - Battle system accept challenge option 2 - Triggers?
12 - Battle system victor decision option 1 - Triggers?
13 - Battle system victor decision option 2 - Triggers?
14 - Battle system victor decision option 3 - Triggers?
15 - Optional extra button on towns menu, shows only for town owner - triggers Event( “TownButton”, “1” )
16 - 2nd optional extra button on towns menu, shows for all players - triggers Event( “TownButton”, “2” )
17 - 3rd optional extra button on towns menu, shows only for town owner - triggers Event( “TownButton”, “3” )
18 - Help & Info menu extra option 1 - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “18” )
19 - Help & Info menu extra option 2 - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “19” )
20 - 1st option available in the pub interface - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “20” )
21 - 2nd option available in the pub interface - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “21” )
22 - 3rd option available in the pub interface - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “22” )
23 - 4th option available in the pub interface - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “23” )
24 - 5th option available in the pub interface - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “24” )
25 - Additional netrek mode button: ? icon when not in orbit - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “25” )
26 - Additional netrek mode button: $ icon when not in orbit - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “26” )
27 - Additional netrek mode button: i icon when not in orbit - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “27” )
28 - Additional netrek mode button: arrow icon replaces refuel option when in orbit - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “28” )
29 - Additional netrek mode button: ? icon when in orbit - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “29” )
30 - Additional netrek mode button: $ icon when in orbit - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “30” )
31 - Additional netrek mode button: i icon when in orbit - Triggers Event( “MenuOption”, “31” )

scripting/reference/scriptingmainui.1583802180.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/09 20:03 by mit

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