Table of Contents
2018 Release Notes
* autocricket v0.1 * fixes for slope behaviour in vehicles * added water surface map type to allow regions of above-sea-level water to be added to the map * added placement and display of buildzones into world editor * added script functions sysIsInBuildZone( mapX, mapY, zoneNum ) and similar sysIsInNoBuildZone( .. ) * fix for position updates not being sent normally when in map editor * various tidyups for building sales screens * autogen 0 tex in ground shader uses cutout rather than blend mode (for cobble roads etc) * appropriate building admin buttons greyed out when user is renting building * restored arcade machine to pub * adding buildings -> efficiency cals 9 ; same as 3 except that the building owner can have a small effect on efficiency if they don't have another job (1% if they're unskilled, 10% if skilled) * fix for town tax being applied to buildings with the 'ignore town limits' flag set * buildings with -1 mat/price are no longer put up for sale by jehovah when the owner dies * when a building produces more than 1 of an item, the amount produced is now reduced in line with building efficiency * fixes for accounts screen * networth calculation adjusted to use the 'jehovah building sale price' rather than the mat/price, + networth cached in player record * added *activatescreen [player] 15 -> 20 ; linking to the various census screens * added setting Economy -> Networth limit for employer wage grant ; if not 0, employers' whose networth is over the limit do not receive the employer wage grant * changed *Settime so it uses hours and minutes rather than gamedayticks ; e.g *settime 6 or *settime 14:30 (So much more sensible! :] ) * added script functions sysAddWealth( AMOUNT, ACCOUNT ) and sysRemoveWealth( AMOUNT, ACCOUNT ), used so script can take and allocate money from the correct account systems. (Need to write up full list of ACCOUNT names in docs..) * added script value $gPlayerNetWorth * made the days longer ; sun now rises earlier and sets later * wagesource 9 is now same as 8 but employee doesnt get fired if the building runs out of invest (wagesource 10 is the scripted one, where the core engine does nothing) * various ui tidyups for the while you were gone screens and hiscores ; changed whileyouweregone format so the last visit dates and times are displayed separately * fix for return key being blocked occasionally and incorrectly by lingering settings screen checks * fix for server crash, paying wages from a building owned by jehovah * shadowmap now uses the texture to check for alpha'd sections on trees * fix for buying fuel using the inventory capacity instead of the fuel tank * various fixes for buying from stores (checks for reaching wealth limit etc) * some fixes for returning to the game dead but not staying on the death screen * fix for *rotatebuilding not working in all circumstances * added support for more wall types * horn sound not played if tab is allocated to weapon * increased chat character limit to 200 * added special building events to control descending bongochimp * moved all file transfer messaging to the newer format header to reduce bandwidth overhead * added 'tentothehour', 'fivetothehour' and 'onthehour' events * added script function 'sysConstructBuilding( nBuildingType, WorldX, WorldY, Name ) ; similar to sysAddBuildingWorld but also deals automatically with construction amounts and costs according to settings * some UI tidyups for construction * scripting - added support for string concatenation with += * added sysGetCrowFlagState( flagNum ) * added sysSetCrowFlagState( flagNum, STATE ) * added sysDeleteTimer( timerID ) (Same as *killtimer but i felt it was appropriate to have a sysFunction for it) * engine automatically turns off when you go into crow * added weapon.txt field 'slots' ; used to determine how many of an item can be active at any one time * Made base lighting slightly brighter (particularly at night) when in crow * weapon graphic size made to affect repel * added *subgamedebug [subgameID] * fix for event context not being restored after SubgameEventAll * SubgameTimers : SubgameSetTimer( SubgameID, timerID, interval (1/10s), EventName, EventParams ) -> Triggers Event("Subgame", "[EventName]" ) after interval. SubgameKillTimer( SubgameID, timerID ) * updated *subgamedebug to include timers * added *uieffect [player] [effectnum] - currently just a couple of varieties of 2d firework display * fix for server crash when restoring a context with an empty playerID * server subgames notified when player leaves world * fix for robocrow leave energy check * fix for crash if script reloaded while an event is sleeping * added separate map type for RC safezones * when in team in crow, names in player list are shown with the appropriate colour for the team * fixed some of the scaling issues with fireworks
* fix for subgame timers not getting ID set correctly * added crow safe zone to map ed * updates to detect crow respawn and override the normal blending process * crow does not blend to new position on respawn * repel does not affect own mines * fixed remote crow rotation * fix for sound crash when a lot of different 3d sounds have been played
* Fix for crash if clicking a certain bit of the screen when spawning near a building before the building records have initialised * tidyups for escape key behaviour * buildings now hidden after using *buildingspecialevent [recordnum] 2 (and unhidden when doing *buildingspecialevent [recordnum] 1) * changed scaling on gravity settings for consistency (default is now 1000) * changed scale of velocity to m/s instead of the rather odd 10cm/s * various flight mode scale fixes etc - also added diff friction model * fixes & additions to allow 'ammoperlife' weapons to work correctly for crows * when flattening mode is 0, buildings are now positioned at the lowest point of their bounding box - i.e. embedding them into the ground when positioned on a slope, rather than hovering off it.. * added sysNumPlayersInBuildZone( [ZoneNum] ) * various bits of wip tinkering with physics vehicles ; wheels rendered separately, separate physics vehicle settings screen and debug cam * new setting (world->Physics world) to control which elements of the scene are added to the physics world (1 will be everything.. 0 is nothing (except landscape)) * async generation and caching of landscape collision data * Various bits of key remapping: moved spec mode from f4 to Esc + s, moved info screens from f7 to Esc + i, engine on/off on f4, headlights on f7 * added gear and rpm displays when in phys veh * various poker fixes: prize money allocation and cleanup of players who've lost all their chips ; added 'players waiting to play..' list etc * bongowheel buildingspecial * pointandclick control not active when engine off or out of fuel * fix duff piano note * changed startup flow for poker * *buildingspecialmsg [buildingnum] [mode] [msg] * added effect type 13 for flame from oil refinery * font tweaks to support new, larger 3d font layout * vehicle restriction zones * added Event("HarvestDay", "[BuildingCode]" ) ; moved harvest day to end august, which is a proper decent date innit. * harvest production run triggered separately on harvest day when globalProductionRate is set to a realtime cycle * added script function sysActivateStockroom (applies to current script player and building) * merged building purchase window for scripted buildings * added $gBuildingCapacity and $gBuildingSpaceRemaining * added sysBuildingActivateStockroom and sysBuildingActivateBuyItem( itemNum ) * added sysBuildingActivateSetPrices( itemNum ) * added new 'generic' script zone type * added *respawninscriptzone [playername] [zonenum] * fix for varying friction deceleration effects depending on whether engine is on or off etc * server mapzones creation * added *eventallinscriptzone [zoneIDnum] [eventname] [params] * added sysNumPlayersInScriptZone( zoneIDnum ) * added sysIsInScriptZone * autoengine off if idle for 2 mins * added scripted OSD element COUNTDOWN (as in osdaddat( "COUNTDOWN", 50, 50, 0, 0, "", "10") ) which shows a countdown timer
* hornball tweaks ; hornball positions are processed differently ; added *hornballdebug * skid smoke from vehicle wheels for vehicle type 1 is scaled proportional to model size * moved the 'exit vehicle' button up to avoid overlap with headlights and etc * wagesource 8 or 9 sets building state flag when production is active ; wheel spin rotation and effect rendering tied to state flag * building activity flag updated when building efficiency is recalculated (e.g when someone takes a job or is fired) * various improvements to particle effects * added support for variable function indirection - e.g. $func = "MyFunc" $func( 1 ) calls function MyFunc($param ) with $param = 1 * mini main menu closes when building window is opened * new messaging for race status updates ; extra param on *racejoin to control spawn/startup behaviour (i.e. *racejoin [Player] [CourseNum] [behaviour] - [behaviour] = 1 automatically spawns em in place and sets em ready * *racestart command changed to launch a race ; *racestart [course] [mode] * added SubgameGetTimerRemaining( subgameID, timerID ) - returns the number of seconds left until the timer expires * added RaceStart and RaceEnd script events * bongo chant recording and event * added *soundplayposition [soundNum] [scriptWorldPosX] [scriptWorldPosY] [ScriptWorldZHeight] [stopaftertime-secs] * added SubgameReset * added param to *buildingspecialevent [buildingnum] [eventtype] [param] and event type 7 to trigger gesture1 anim (param is cutoff time) * fix for active state for buildings with no employees & investment when none is required.. * more special effects, trails and whatnot * added *flagsetbase [flagNum] [buildingnum] [teamnum] * added *flagsetcapturedest [flagnum] [buildingnum] * added *subgamereset [subgamenum]
* email system - players can opt in to receive daily email status updates about their character * control mode 1, skid friction increases with speed * player auto picks up flag when nearby rather than using end * added subgamescoreboard stuff... script: SubgameActivateScoreboard( subgameID, Type ) , SubgameSetScore( SubgameID, index, value ), SubgameGetScore( SubgameID, index ), SubgameIncrementScore( SubgameID, index ) * added *setteamrespawnscriptzone [teamnum] [scriptZoneID] to override team specific respawn zones
* messaging and event ("HornballGoal") for hornball goals * added small mode option to home screen * console remains on screen on frontend once the player has connected once * vehicle wheels dont turn when rotating view in home * various extra sound presets for weapons * sound2 option for weapons (only applicable ot the portal weapon atm) * added player leave event handling to server subgame class * fixed scale on starport beam * added 'use height at midpoint' option to buildings so that some buildings can use old height positioning method * race flags sit on water when the checkpoint is under the sea * changed *settings -> vehicle -> camera types 11,12,13 to adjust the camera angle * various improvements to water rendering, splashes etc * when joining scripted races, player is automatically orientated towards first checkpoint
* fix for building sounds sometimes not playing if multiple buildings share the same sound num * adding rendering for tractor armour and weapons * new 'game zone' map type for defining the badlands area * added script events "EnterGameZone" and "ExitGameZone" * default secondary weapon moved from shift+tab to shift+ctrl
* various sysadmin functions and things to aid recovery of lost server files (*recreatemapfromclientfile, *recreatenamesfromclientfile) * fix for lack of wave noise when near sea * daily email summaries not sent if the player is online, instead the timer is reset so that the daily check happens four hours later.
* extra sound effects on the bongochimp descent * new ui boxes * added RocketKeepHeight weapon type * added *setplayerlistscore [player] [score] * added SubgameActivatePlayerListScores( subgameID, mode ) * added *effect [player] 27 [time] to temporarily give player a jetpack (and *effect [player] 28 to remove it) * lockweapons and unlockweapons can now be used with a playername to lock/unlock a specific player. * Adding subgame functions dealing with PlayerListScores ; SubgameGetHighestPlayerListScore( subgameID ), SubgameNumPlayersWithPlayerListScore( SubgameID, Score ), SubgameGetPlayerWithPlayerListScore ( subgameID, Score, Index ) * added sysGetPlayerListScore( playerID) * added *globaleffect [type] [param] [time(secs)] * per-RC crow cam height override setting * fix for gocrow crow num not working * firework sound effects on *uieffect * fix for circle explosion of RC being set at incorrect height * added script function sysNumPlayersInRCMode * fix for topdown crow lives being sorta offset by 1 (*crowlives 1 would give the player two lives...) * added SubgameIsPlayerInGame( $playerID ) * latest atractor scripts * entity create data now sent compressed when appropriate * EntityPickup event. * Added EntitySetValue( $entityID, "ScriptParam", [value] ) which sets the param value passed to the pickupEvent * EntityPickup event added to script event list * added SubgameGetPlayer( subgameID, index ) * added subgamescoreboard mode 1 (which shows X of Y instead of Team 1 : X, Team 2: Y) * added extra birdie sound effects
* *alert redirected to the central text bit * added weapon.txt -> fire=UseItem for a weapon that just triggers an item use event * added *msgalert which does what *alert used to do * fix for timed speclock sometimes not deactivating spec automatically * added *buildingdestructionmode * Script "BuildingDestroyed" event with no parameter is called if there isnt a specific "BuildingDestroyed" event for the particular building type * got rid of stump collisions with destroyed buildings * added auto-away * added movie camera item * new chat settings screen * chat connection only activated when player has added a chat channel * added fishing tackle item and various additions to fishing mode settings, added small fish and large fish items * added consumed items and some other bits to email summary (so you get notified on what your player has eaten recently.. curiously satisfying :] ) * crops on tile buildings flag * couple of minor optimisations for landscape rendering
* livestock tiles * added prox-delay control and changed damage calculations for weapons hitting robocrows so damage is less if closest hit point is at extreme of prox range and is highest when hit full on * various additions and tweaks to shaders, including adding emissive material support for ATMs and unifying landscape rendering so everything goes through the groundshader by default * added building type : scripted restaurant, which handles a few things special-like
* script osd slider now supprots step value * made sysop and owner auth levels synonomous, with SysAdmin being the higher server maintenance level.. * added sysBuildingActivateSellItem * added *employeequitjob [buildingnum] [player_name] - same as *removeemployee but also triggers the whileYouWereGone event (etc) * alpha'd PNG texmaps now rendered on top of landscape with shader rather than multi-polys * if % is followed by a space in script parsing its just treated as a % sign, not a special char
* new targeting mode: *targetingmode [PLAYERNAME] [mode] [dist] * weapon 'requirestarget=1' flag if % is followed by a space in script parsing its just treated as a % sign, not a special char added *employeequitjob [buildingnum] [player_name] - same as *removeemployee but also triggers the whileYouWereGone event (etc) alpha'd PNG texmaps now rendered on top of landscape with shader rather than multi-polys atractor backup data added sysBuildingActivateSellItem made sysop and owner auth levels synonomous, with SysAdmin being the higher server maintenance level..
graphic options on frontend fix for items appearing in the home storeroom list that are not in building or in inventory moved some of the in-home UI around ; added buttons for the storeroom and news page web posting of server news and high scores, incl changes so that 'whilegone' events are added to the server news feed when appropriate changed the scale on RC replicated speeds to adjust to correct m/s values in crow mode fix for crow weapons using double amount of energy specified (and allowing energy to go negative) fix for some crow->building collision issues fix for building UI when a building with multiple employee slots has some filled and some not sales to jehovah buildings now go in to the investment if the building has less than 10s invested (temporarily) removed the non-functioning audio messages thang fix: referencing a $gPlayerKey[..] or $gServerKey[..] that has not been assigned anything yet will return 0 or an empty string (rather than 1) added weapons: restrictions=1 which prevents weapon being used if within 30m of a crow flag added pgup/pgdn on movie camera to change target player added stuff to the email summary so player is informed if they've died (and no further email summaries are sent) changed the way the sun corona is displayed. added lighting override option to movie camera fix for landscape textures not being definitely set default newspaper updates various additions to atractor world scripts and settings added a player->player give fuel option when both are driving vehicles with fuel consumption fix for targeting mode not being disabled when using *targetingmode [player] 0 fix for skid smoke appearing at wrong position on left wheel added command *useitem PLAYERNAME,ITEMNAME,TARGETNAME (because some scripting i am doing needs it) svn log generator tool physics world not updated until map generation has completed weapon 'requirestarget=1' flag new targeting mode: *targetingmode [PLAYERNAME] [mode] [dist] code tidyin movie camera control additions
new frontend logo linking in steam inventory various worldnews additions and improvements when deatheffect = 3,4,5,6 server now also clears investment from buildings when someone dies *suicide commmand removed for now added storeroom to home screen if player hasn't enough cash to pay rent, but has money invested in buildings, the rent money will automatically be removed from investment econ stats now posted every 6 game months web graphs for world news added alive players count to econ stats yearly econ stats posting *econstats added econstats command tweaks to the efficiency calc when using employee effect mode = 1 employee effect mode = 1, makes production efficiency always 100% (if 1 or more employees) and adds an extra amount each production cycle. (amount = (normal amount * numemploy) + (numemploy - 1) ) various web news display tweaks fix for wage avg calc server now posting job stats (avail,taken,wage min/avg/max) some additions to the web news display world news updates added wage to the new employee news event server news events for building construction fix for server not posting news once buffer was full updates to the web news page to order news display by timed ranking news db stuff added PostTimestamp to worldnews some tweaks to better support server news page fix for some escape menu items not being clickable
added jehovah rent paid to *econstats extra info on *econstats command fix for stupid bug in employee counting a pantload more econ stats fix for wage production cycle happening after building production fix for buildings still producing when they haven't paid wages. changed the building remove employee stuff so that it keeps the employee list correctly ordered spaces removed from steam user names when a renter is kicked from a house because owner changes, they take all the house stocks with them added while gone message to indicate when tenancy has ended because owner has changed changed the way buildings data is saved so it doesnt happen too many times in one period backward compatability on the web file transfer thing + client version stored in serverPlayer struct imp files uploaded to web server and fetched from web server by client to reduce game-server bandwidth and improve download reliability fix for sales not going into investment in jehovah owned buildings adding in web download of imp files sales to jehovah buildings now go to invest up to 10s *removetenant ignores rental minimum term added *removetenant [building_num] added *removetenant [building_num]
player popup screen rejigged memory leak tidyups fix for 3d sound buffer tracking and removal of 'out of 3d sound buffers' error popup initialisation of wars data fix for incorrect news message for buying a building fix for incorrect check on wage cycle production for made items added limit so that buildings with 2 made items dont keep making the second item without limit changed some bits around so can track small and quiet mode status (etc) fix for 'can't have more than one building under construction at a time' limit being incorrectly applied when attempting to purchase or rent a building added workhouse building type destroyed vehicle effect = 2, changed so that the player will respawn in the nearest type 1 spawn zone when vehicle is destroyed reset subgameui subgame lobby stuff more work on challenge lobby subgame various bits of code to deal with subgameUIActivate challenge screens and flow moved tractor customisation stuff to an archive added support for mounting multiple archives tractor customisation replication removed .fish tractor customisation replication set up for defining servers as 'official' atractor servers trailer affects inventory capacity trying out an extra light at nighttime trailer rendering fix for being able to overstock items in the house and cause inventory badness and missing items challenge system within subgameUI static physics objects tracked and removed when appropriate frontend UI tweaks esc menu info screen redirected to proper place when clicked collision improvements for robocrows barter screen value control supports holding button when holding shift, value controls increment in multiples of 100 (i.e. sheckles instead of denari) added SubgameActivateUI( SubgameID, Mode ) for replicating player lists (etc)
dont save options before loading em! :) handling players leaving and withdrawing challenges in game lobby ui tweaks quiet mode leave button on duel/game lobby some Ui graphic bits & pieces Rc duel ranking on webnews sports pages added SubgameWebpostDuelScore( subgameid, postpath ) refactored webposting to get posting URL root from centralised source various fixes to fix problems quitting small mode when disconnected elo calculation for duel ranking on web news pages safety check for invalid hornball goal being added to map news website layout bits fix for made-item production rates not increasing when using multiple employees and employee effect mode 1 change so that when a building makes a product over a number of production cycles (e.g vehicle factory) multiple employees will instead reduce the production time added business story posts added info posted to atractor/worldlist for active monitoring of server status atractor news page now accepts ?world param to support multiple servers added server status to web news page Server posting status data to webserver control flag added so that the subgameUI is reset when a player newly joins a replicated lobby subgame player popup mute option functional Loading of steam avatar images for player popup screen
fix for *exportpriceset not using correct value for max price *activatescreen 21 triggers the residency Permit purchase screen item redeem code option to apply the redeemed item immediately decoration items can now be applied through purchased inventory screens added $gPlayerIsResident worldnews linked to new DB for new early access server redeem code sequence; added *redeemcodeadd [email] [code] [itemdefid] and *redeemcodecheck [email] added $gNumAlive, $gTotalMoneySupply, $gGlobalAverageWealth added *exportitemdebug [itemname] added *exportitem [player] [quantity] [itemname] added script sysvalue: gTotalMoneySupply (in sheckles) added 'Local Store' building type (which can be built in both residential and commercial districts) various ui additions for the ingame store *weeklytournamentactivate [mode],[prize] weekly tournament button linked to server event -> "ViewTournament" messages on frontend when access to world is refused (e.g World is full) decoration items rendered smoke effects upped max (theoretical) server capacity to 128 workshop shows if you're employed fix for some items missing on town trades screen Server keyvalues, tasklist.dat, flags.dat and ServerGlobals moved to StoredData folder delete nearest forest will delete tree lines too Separate town pattern maps for ground shader Various bits of refactoring and simplification of the landscape render Fix for export prices save not working export buildings show up in the town trades list FT info request cleanup wip support for automated caching through file transfer system added *exportpriceset [item],minprice,maxprice,variancemode,varianceparam added sysGetExportPrice( item ) workhouse residence permit support, linking in screen to prompt user when they need one for official at servers, when user doesnt have permit they can only have 1 house server check for district construction rules added birdies added *listusers command players moved back to holding area ; end of alpha some work on custom ingame storefront player struct worldpos made private with accessor to set it.. basic hacking prevention changing PLAYER_STRUCT to a class so can block the writing of worldpos steam inventory updated when a call to the overlay store completes fix for building sound events (e.g. bongochimp descent) not getting updated when in small added *logflush to trigger immediate save of the server logs idle timer updates when in small info and census screens combined, guide link to website town roads layout now applied to the groundshader patternmap at runtime based on the location of towns added tick icon to indicate purchased items that are currently selected/active added town districts system and new 'advanced' building types scripted osd RECT type can be made clickable if given a name added new scripted osd type 'LAYERRECT' which appears above osd images auto-away timer now active when in small added *setallplayervar [playervarNum] [value] to set a player var value for all alive players added script functions: sysNumPlayersWithPlayerVarVal( VarNum, Value ) (e.g. sysNumPlayersWithPlayerVarVal( 6, 2 ) returns number of players with $gPlayerVar[6] == 2 ) sysGenerateTopPlayerVarsList( VarNum, NUm players to list ) (e.g. sysGenerateTopPlayerVarsList( 6, 3 ) generates a list of the 3 players with the highest value for playervar[6]) sysGetTopPlayer( index) - gets a playerID from the generated list (e.g. after calling sysGenerateTopPlayerVarsList, sysGetTopPlayer(1) would get the first person in the generated list) added 'DayOfYear' script event - e.g. Event( "DayOfYear", "1" ) is triggered on the 1st Jan each game year removed test code fix for bought items not appearing in town trades list if building had more than enough invest to cover purchases town trades list serverconfig flag 'SENDDAILYEMAILS' to control whether a server sends daily email summaries added *countdown [player] [secs] [mode] (currently supporting just *countdown [player] 3 0 for the racestart countdown effect) fixed up building access buttons so can always go back to index page
fix for export building having its profit margin upside down, and added system to auto-update export building prices according to current global export rates each production run fix for server not properly checking for available file transfer send slots and just aborting engine off label moved to the right when the low fuel indicator icon is active ornamental buildings dont show in census 'total buildings on world' count moved families and banking.dat to StoredData Fix for census not updating between 1 jan,yr 0 to 2 mar,yr 0 fixes for world news export prices automatic adjustment based on previous export rates and small random variation official atractor servers set flag in welcome message When a permit is purchased, it is applied immediately
changed *buildingwageproddebug to *buildproddebug [buildnum] and added more details to the output response on *workhousefix support for setting of wage (and grant amount) for Workhouse building fix for broken keyvalue loading. Extended the time period before the values are cleared from memcache. added command *workhousefix to resolve discrepancies in job records caused by earlier broken workhouse code game options screen bits removed multichar cash reset system (for now?) workshop and export buildings in commercial buildings category fix for workhouse not removing old employee properly when a new one joins and its full added bongometer and *bongoworshiplevel [val],[max] fixed crow spec cam height buildings set to appear on map now show without waiting for their name to be downloaded 'purchased items' screen copes with more than 9 items steamid fields added to ban records plus *bansteamid fixed stupid code fix for multiple keyvalues causing server crash *bongoworshiplevel curr,threshold randomised smoke times remote trailers revert to straight more quickly fix for textures showing incorrectly on map editor screens fix for *vehicle 25 allowing access to a weirded vehicle 1 new town pattern map system also writes to the main, global pattern map to reduce the amount of nastiness when lods overlap fix for various bits of texture badness (including missing textures in water reflections)
owners of export buildings can now change one of their export items once every 24 hours added API for getting a basicUID from the AT userbase properly turned off multichar cash reset Default to WASD controls Esc then O, game options
new purchasable items ; fishing equipment, movie camera, purple skin, 3 new decorations race UI tweaks various additions to fishing. fix for port that will take infinite items nightime brightness control fix for crow not appearing when crowing from home removed .crow and .help controls for buy and sell to buildings now cap their values to appropriate maximums (e.g. can't attempt to sell more than you're carrying) fix for one item being missing from the export trade list when changing item in EXPORTS building tidying up display on workhouse buildings: wage shown on workhouse button etc starting in home doesnt block other buttons RaceWinner event and some extra stuff on racing to automatically time out race more quickly *pokerreset command *raceleave command Workhouse now has control for setting wage Can select and fire employees individually Chat now picks up any modifications to username made by server (e.g If player is duplicated) server gateway page lists stats for connections and number of refusals account uid provided by getloc response
update replicated speed simplified shader option fix for 'sell to building' not always showing correct stock amounts for demanded items work on employee effect mode 2 ('active employment') added 'for sale' and 'dollar sign' 3d indicators for buildings. Optimised some of the building render pipeline. Fixed bug with builder render list not getting reset properly (caused buildings to flick occasionally) added test command for reducing the front buffer width extra logging on barter transaction player list selection now sticks to a selected billingID to avoid it occasionally changing when players join & leave entity explosion control command fix for change vehicle check not considering trailer inventory size modification fix for fire effects on exploded vehicles fix for flight physics bank/lift calculation building placement height adjusted to compensate for buildings that have a built-in subsurface area debug stuff fix for player list selection changing occasionally fix for stockroom transfer list allowing over-stocking of some items. fix on server to make sure that no items are lost. adding confirmation screen for 'demolish building' option on under-construction buildings added some extra logging stuff on barter transactions fix for *buildproddebug incorrectly reporting employee frozen moved deaths from the main server log and added em to the a separate 'deaths.log' filter some of the server news events to avoid duplicates set house limit to 15 house construction limited to 12 added *exportitemadjust [itemname/num] [changeamount] global export prices now slightly more inclined to head to the middle of their range Extra messaging to alert when IMP file is being fetched from the game rather than the web content server Imp uploader updated to cope with different world names fix for overriden mouse control not resetting when windows closed latest content (wizard hat, headphones) fix for adding streetlights in map ed fix for overbright crops fire and firework effects fix for renter value going wrong when buying a building added .testdec indicator on building access screen when a building is not producing because it is full renter is no longer removed when purchasing a buildng that is rented out various fishing bits extra info on *buildproddebug corrected min investment text. Miniops now show up as Mod] rather than Op]
few modifications to get the space cockpit displays working again (plus shadows on cockpit) first pass on some active employment bits lighting improvements fix for the flame from the top of the oil refineries taking on the velocity of a player in the world at random. What a fun bug :) If you've got no job, dollar signs show up above buildings that have employment available and that you've got the skill for.
added settings -> economy -> income tax & passive work rate some building ui changes for active employment bits high scores show only sheckles when total is > 1000s added *debugminigame [gameid] [instanceid] minigame bits fixes for biplane first person cam and tailgunner mode added mod/op button to reset the chess added to-let sign (similar to the for sale one) trailers no long appear on planes removed custom texas holdem disconnect bit that wasnt suitable.. shader fix for lighting glitches latest atractor world scripts fix for spin rotation of buildings (e.g. windmills) changing if shadows arent enabled fix for tractor customisation not being reset when a player leaves fix for tractor customisation disappearing when screen is resized or when returning from small updated ingame store products some lighting fixes
missile guidance system fixes prox system used on robocrows now applies to standard vehicles too fix for insert/delete throttle controls activating when game window is not focused new icons some fiddling about with weapons killer rabbits bits economy -> passive work rate setting active employment wip changed price display so sheckle values less than 100s with 0d will show (for example) 99s0d instead of 99s *settings -> economy -> security level 5 for disabling jobs for players with multis
town trades list now includes buildings set with infinite investment production efficiency recalculated when a building changes ownership, and when owner gains a skill added *eventallbuildingsoftype [type],[customevent][|params] when buidlings->efficiencyCalc is 10, building efficiency is recalculated whenever a player forgets a skill min price setting is always 2 above base price fix for model flames taking velocity of first player replaced weekly tournament button with a 'help guide' button spawn zones & no build zones can now be viewed in the map editor if a client who has paid for membership joins a world which doesnt know about it yet, the client will automatically notify the server to update the membership status sysGenerateTopPlayerVarsList now omits players who are dead. moved a couple of server files to the StoredData folder just to tidy up the folder structure added system to reduce nutritional benefits of food items depending on how often they've been consumed previously activate RC unit button cargo rules = 2, enforces minimum/maximum sale and rental price for buildings holding shift now steps up in sheckles on various controls that previously didnt support that. (e.g. set sell price) buildings that are under construction can now be sold updates to non-member limitations and messaging ingame store available from home screen *playsound [name] [num] ; num >= 1000 triggers built-in sound effects added function for generating building construction base price estimates Added item base price calculations cargo rules = 2, owner can trade at own building, can't access stockroom building process = 16, amount of primary and secondary item is same, defined by material price in bdat added *settings -> economy -> Price change limit days (and replication of state) added *settings -> economy -> Force buying and selling ; items cannot be set as 'not buying' or selling, once bought or sold changed fishing so purchased item provides auto-fish functionality, added tracking of number of fish caught this 'session' initial player age set to 16 instead of 12 (12 didnt seem that weird 18 years ago, it does now :] ) water tiles can be removed using map editor erase tool fix for leave screen not showing the benefit of items that are in inventory when current vehicle is sold, player is reverted to the default one, not vehicle 1 added script function sysGetBuildingTypeTechLevel added script variable $gBuildingTenantID fixed height of smoke effect on *effect [player] 9 fixed up some server exit memory leaks added 'hidden' front end mode to request an 'open-testing' list from the web loc *settings -> buildings -> storeage rules : 1 = Houses can only store food and drink added warehouse building type added new systems to allow the modification of the town settings structure added *townmarkersetbuilding [markernum] [buildingnum] to allow manual fix of out-of-sync town marker/settings data *settings -> Buildings -> Efficiency calc = 10, building is 100% efficient as long as the owner has the building's build skill *settings -> Economy -> Cargo Rules = 2, cannot add or remove stocks from building (except homes). correction for weapon fire direction when firing from RC employee list script button option per-crow camera mode override option for hornball pitch to have invisible walls (subgame -> ballgames > 20 ) option to cap hornball power bar rather than having it reset (subgame -> horn mode 4, 5, 6, 7) &command parameters - string version of first parameter can be accessed using sysGetTextEntry(), and can now have 2 params (second one is comma separated just a value, accessed through $gParam[2]) - e.g. &testcommand Hello,10 : sysGetTextEntry() = 'Hello' $gParam[1] = 0 $gParam[2] = 10 when in first person, local player vehicle is now rendered separately so can fiddle with the drawdist without affecting the main view (i.e. fixes flickering water when in first person view) moved secondary weapon to f1 by default added jet engine noise (vehicle -> engine noise 12)
Buildings -> Efficiency Calc mode 10, houses and warehouses are always 100% efficient settings -> building -> buildingRestore Mode = 6 ; building repair costs cash proportional to the building base construction price and its current damage level updated the jehovah building sale price calc to properly reflect Lovelace building costs updated the networth calc to take into account proper building prices and reduce networth of under construction buildings Under construction buildings are removed if owner dies (DeathEffect 3) Investment and stocks removed from building if owner dies (DeathEffect 3) fix for no-build zones not working fix for fishing counts getting reset when graphics reset fix for 'engine off' display disappearing when tasking added option to manually override item base prices in namesfile.txt Stopped auto eating from consuming fish from inventory
When efficiency calc = 10, buildings dont produce at all if efficiency is 0% (i.e owner does not have skill) Production time and cost calcs now round to nearest int Fix for weird script behaviour - while loops with a return() statement inside them wouldnt reset their loop counter and would eventually begin falling out immediately (once the while loop has returned > 500 times) Check to prevent dodgy skill data crashing census Fix for exports building blank ui Adjusted death news ranking
2019 was a washout due to work commitments
releasenotes/2018-2019.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/08 21:00 by mit