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2016 - 2017 Release Notes

12 Oct 2016


* Big, nasty process of moving all TU stuff to new tech - connecting to the shared 'UserLogin' service and the new Chat service, and started using the shared 'GameCommon' code thats used for other projects
* Broke everything.
* Tweaked various lighting settings ; Added a bit of base ambient to the default lighting setup so there's not quite so much blackness
* New 'Universe Server' (which keeps track of which worlds are active, which should appear on the explore menu and where the player should go to by default etc)
* Changed the global game scale, so that 1.0 = 1m now ; This also involves re-exporting all the existing models at the new scale, hence the local cache location has been moved. It also involves changing a whole bunch of code for things like controls, camera setups, particles, shadow scales and default speeds.
* Added new 'Bullet' physics world ; heightmap added to physics world. (WIP - needs setup) bullet physics vehicle on control mode 26.
* Large amount of code restructuring and tidying.
* Changed vehicle orientation to forward=y- to standardise physics layout across projects
* Fixed problems with the internal timer that sometimes created camera and control jerkiness
* Extended the default far clipping range when using landscape LODs (i.e. you can see further when using *settings -> Landscape -> Culling Mode 1)
* Fix for fog settings not applying correctly to water shader
* Frontend tidyups for small screens
* Pressing left/right arrow immediately cancels destination when in point & click travel mode
* World servers now connect to the common login service to validate owner identity
* Extended the day cycle so skies are lighter earlier and go darker slightly later
* (WIP) Shadow map system (*settings -> graphics -> shadow mode 6) ; looks ok sometimes, looks bad sometimes - need to add cascade system for it to be decent...
* World server now has built in webserver functionality, so you can browse to it and get details about world and player state
* Fix for server crash from script if no parameters are provided to a function that expects em
* Changed script function sysAddToInventory so that it still performs the transaction if the full amount specified cannot be added but a partial amount can (previously it would fail and return 0)
* Added a much simpler method for handling tasks in scripts ; 'task callbacks' - so can do *dotask [playerid] [callbackname] [text] (instead of the 2nd parameter being a number), which subsequently triggers the event ("TaskComplete", "[callbackname]" )
* Added wildlife ai type 7 for a particularly cautious behaviour
* Added script param to *buildingconstruct (so its now *buildingconstruct [player_name],[building_num],[building_name],[param]) which can be accessed in the 'PlaceBuilding' or 'PlaceAnyBuilding' events at $gParam[2]
* Added extra param to osdaddat for supporting tooltip text on images, buttons, etc
* Added *dotaskparam [playername] [callback/code] [param1] [param2] [text]
* Added *dobuildingtaskparam [playername] [buildingnum] [callback/code] [param1] [param2] [text]
* Added *settings->graphics->status screen mode = 8, to show age, cash & 'wisdom'(i.e. kudos) in status panel
* (WIP) Block items
* Changed landscape terrain params structure to allow larger bulge min/range values for larger scale maps
* Added *settings -> Graphics -> Main Menu Display Mode 5, for on-screen inventory with click to use item and a separate extra 'discard items' option
* Going into water now affects speed/friction/acceleration
* Increased limit on number of trees that can be present on a world
* Added new vehicle settings to specifc 'max wheel impact', 'max body impact' and an 'impact damage mod' ; these can be set so that hitting the ground too quickly destroys the vehicle
* Added a skid element to standard (mode 0) vehicle controls
* Death screen UI tidied up a little ; vehicles no longer automatically re-orient themselves after death
* Fixed bgmodel delete options in map editor so they delete single bg models placed using the editor
* Fix for bg model rotations not being applied to collision
* If 'always run' is on (vehicle -> extras 7), holding shift and pressing up will put the player in a 'keep running' state until the down key is pressed
* Switching between inventory and skills on on-screen inventory moved to insert
* Added weapon FIRE=TargetWildlife, used in conjuction with OBJECT=ProjectileWithTarget and RANGE=xxx - projectiles are fired at nearest wildlife and blend towards the target
* Fixed bug that meant weapon ammo items were removed locally twice
* Changed bonus weapon system so that it only removes ammo count when the weapon is actually fired
* Added new autograss type 16 for large clumps
* Added vertex colours and (basic) material/lighting values to the standard shader
* Added *centraltext [player] [text] ; adds a bit of text in the lower middle of the screen, which lasts for a few seconds before fading off
* Moved various bits of text output from the chat window to the centraltext thing (e.g. You have discarded..)
* Changed landscape->autograss setting so it directly controls the amount of grass
* Added cutscene Camera functin cam.RestoreOriginal( [time] )
* Onscreen inventory capacity highlighted when inv is full
* added *setting -> buildings -> building process 14, which is like 7 but level 1 buildings use same item as level 0 for construction
* All building screens now have a wee 'x' exit button at top right
* '[' and ']' on vehicle settings screen change vehicle being edited
* added *setspawnstate [player] [num] command
* added *settings-> world -> Destroyed vehicle effect 18 ; if player's spawn state is 0 the player will respawn at the deafult spawn zone, otherwise they spawn at the nearest town.
* Fixed a few minor memory leaks on the world server
* Added scripted OSD slider
* Params for value control and sliders can now be either | or , separated
* &command can now have a single value parameter passed into the script as $gParam[1] (e.g. &test 1 == Event( "&command", "test" ) { $val = $gParam[1] } )
* Fix for barter screen allowing more cash to be offered than the player has
* Onscreen inventory selection disabled during tasks and when in spectator mode
* moved the current task display to the middle of the screen, 'ctrl -' building access display removed when task is in progress
* Improved the layout of the in-house screen a bit
* changed graphics -> player label mode to 'Text Label Mode'. Building labels now default to off, unless Text Label Mode is 4 or higher. When off, the currently selected building is highlighted with a lil bobbing arrow.
* moved the 'island map is required to use f5' option to Graphics -> Special Menu Modes 10
* added 'Wages handled by script' flag to buildings ed ; this means the default server stuff for paying wages (and firing employees etc) is not run on this building
* added 'always show building label' option to buildings ed
* sysAddBuilding fails if X and Y are both 0 (as this usually indicates a script bug, and we don't really want lots of buildings ending up there by accident)
* *settings -> world -> new player start position = 6, new players always use the default spawn zone
* auto-hide chat console when not used for a while (experimental..)
* fix for passing a array into a function as a param then passing the same array into another function which previously didnt work.
* changed the building access request rate so that its generally quicker but slows down if the player has made a lot of requests in the past 10 seconds
* changed server BillingSave so that saves are requested and enacted no more than once every 10 seconds, rather than always done immediately
* added *settings -> world -> discard item mode ; when 2 or higher objects that are discarded are shown to other people on the world (later it'll be possible to pick up discarded items)
* when a building type is modified using the *changebuilding command (e.g Villa construction in aramathea script) the new building type now has the usual collision exclusion set, to avoid players getting stuck in the building
* fix for mismatch between script set and bdat set construction amounts causing the buildng display to show '-22% complete' (etc) for an under construction building
* added rotation controls to the *buildingconstruct screen
* forget skill & drop items buttons greyed out when player has no skills / items
* fix for cutscene Image.FadeIn / .FadeOut not working
* fix for comments in array assignments with commas in them breaking the array assignment
* fix for script images failing to appear if using a script that doesnt use HTTPSET after using one that does

Dec 2017


* fixing up some duff references to old PeerConnection classes, which was causing a server crash on player leave
* fix for scripted building add using the player position to determine if the building was far enough away from the town or not.
* ball control physics things
* .physicsdebugdraw (1 or 0) to turn on/off the physics debug draw stuff
* tinkering with the navgalaxy
* on-screen inventory hidden when other screens are primary
* added checks to stop barter taking place if either party doesn't have sufficient space in their inventory (wip - needs to notify both players that its failed)
* (another) new TU frontend flow
* fix for duplicated crow labels when shadowmaps active
* cockpit lighting
* linking the navGalaxy to the cockpit screens, redoing the cockpit screens
* fixes for static object draw lists needing to be newly created when using landscape quadtrees and shadowmaps
* fix for robocrow settings screen being broken
* fix for crow trails not appearing
* added *settings -> graphics -> crow trail scale
* tidying up space -> world connection sequence
* webuniverse stuff
* made ping tracking keepalives optional on peerconnections to reduce bandwidth use on chat server
* various bits of code tidying aiming towards merging the newer 'navgal' star and planet data into the old structures. 
* Added projection matrix control to extend the farclip plane when rendering distant planets (etc)
* basic terraformer screens
* shorter 'stardrive' sequence for gal navigation
* landing on world from space process updated to operate without the galaxy
* lighting tweaks and setup for the moon template
* onscreen inventory selection defaults to 'use item'
* various shader fixes & improvements
* new ground rendering system that uses a pattern map to determine location of roads etc
* separate alpha layer for player rendering to fix crow trails appearing below buildings
* various fixes and improvements to hornball - ball location is now requested automatically from the server if not received within a few seconds of login
* various world editor improvements - drag n drop buildings etc
* added point lighting, specular and spotlights to new shaders


* landscape patternmap included in .imp file if applicable
* world editor racetrack functions added
* fix scale for racing flags
* various bits of tidying up for the old-style pub interface
* changed the initial racestatus download so it only sends details of the races that are actually active
* removed a duplicate send of the game settings data (reducing initial login bandwidth by about 3K per login, sweet!) - map file is now sent from server once the townsettings send has completed
* linking in the texas holdem game to the bar


* caching of settings to reduce amount of unnecessary downloads on world login
* wall collision fixes
* fix for spec scale being overscaled
* SSL support in http get
* steam login process
* added 'set max employees' option on building admin for buildings that have more than 1 employee
* escape button always used to exit menus and enter the topleft minimainmenu
* engine off/on, fuel and headlights icons
* set rental price functional in building admin ; rent building buttons added
* moved some of the building access UI around
* change construction tax option in town admin screens
* engine automatically turns off / on at appropriate points (e.g. going home, when fuel runs out)
* allow renting from jehovah
* fixed some particle scaling issues
* increased shadow resolution
* added light priority system so that your own headlights don't flicker on and off when theres (for instance) lots of explosions around
* various fixes for scaling of sounds
* headlights auto on if you join a world thats in darkness and you're in a suitable vehicle
* various world editor improvements ; building rotations supported, buildings properly removed when using 'undo', etc
* added 'Min town construction tax'
* fixed weapon -> building collision checks
* optimised lighting system to automatically remove lights that are placed in pretty much the same place
* various improvements to lighting effects for streetlights etc
* improvements to the method for drawing static objects, so that tracking of object events is easier.
* added new 'secondary construction price' field to buildings editor and script function sysGetSecondaryConstructionPrice
* shadows, lighting and arrangement of stuff in pub
* engine icons
* various poker updates
* New scripted 'ServerSubgame' systems that make scripting minigames much easier : SubgameJoin( gameID, playerID ), SubgameLeave, SubgameEventAll( gameID, "event", "params" ), SubgameMessageAll( gameID, text, [soundnum] ), SubgameSoundAll, SubgameEventTeam( gameID, teamNum, "event", "params" ), SubgameMessageTeam, SubgameSoundTeam, SubgameSetStat( gameID, "statname", value ), SubgameGetStat, SubgameGetNumPlayers, SubgameGetNumPlayersOnTeam, SubgameIncrementStat, SubgameDecrementStat
* adding in instanceID to the subgame system for future support of subgame instances (i.e. separate poker tables in separate bars)
* replicated midi-controlled piano in bar (everyone must demand that Fooli performs for them!)
* entry fee option on subgames
releasenotes/2016-2017.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/07 18:29 by mit

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