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Script Language Syntax

The scripting language supports a limited range of the basic syntactical components that make up most similar-level programming languages

General Rules

  • Each line of script needs to be put on a new line
  • All script code is case-insensitive. (e.g. the variable 'a' is the same as the variable 'A' )
  • All variables are preceeded with $

Conditional Statements

if, else and else if are supported, for example…

	if ( $itemNum = 112 )	
	    *grantskill %PLAYER% Blacksmith
	else if ( $itemNum = 113 )
	    *grantskill %PLAYER% Scientist
	    *msg %PLAYER% You didnt learn anything new today

Supported conditions inside an if or else if are:

  • = (or == )
  • <
  • >
  • != (or <> )
  • ( < = )
  • >=


while loops are supported, for example…

$loop = 0
while ( $loop < 10 )
   DoMyFunction( $loop )
   $loop += 1


Code comments are simple C-stylee, e.g

    // Check the item number
    if ( $itemNum = 112 )	
//      *say Nothing (this line is commented out)

Maths operators

Basic maths operators are supported in simple form. Compound operations are not yet supported so each line needs to be kept to a single operation, e.g. :

     $var = 1
     $newvar = $var * 100
     $var += 1

Currently the 4 basic operators ( +, -, /, * ) are supported, along with ( +=, -=, /=, *= ) for operating on the LHS variable (e.g. $var += 1 is equivalent to $var = $var + 1.

Local, Module & Global Variables

Local variables can be used at any point without advance declaration. They remain in scope throughout the event or function as you'd expect. Module variables (those that are instantiated outside of an event or function) remain in scope for all events and functions within the file until the script is reloaded or the server is restarted. Global variables are declared using the keyword 'global' and are available to all functions and events in any file.

Example Local variable use :

Event( "UseItem", "Bongos" )
   $myage = $gPlayerAge / 10
   if ( $myage = 6 )
      *say I'm in my sixties and im still playing the bongos

Example module variable use :

$mNumberOfBongoPlays = 0
Event( "UseItem", "Bongos" )
   $mNumberOfBongoPlays = $mNumberOfBongoPlays + 1
   *say $mNumberOfBongoPlays people have played the bongos since the script was last restarted

Example global variable use :

global $kNumberOfBongoPlays = 0
Event( "UseItem", "Bongos" )
   $kNumberOfBongoPlays = $kNumberOfBongoPlays + 1
   *say $kNumberOfBongoPlays people have played the bongos since the script was last restarted


Local, module and global arrays can be created. Arrays can contain values and text. Array indexing starts from 1, which is a bit annoying if you've got any sense at all but hey ho.

Arrays are declared and referenced as shown :

$maTestArray[] = 
    100,   "Item 1",
    200,   "Item 2", 

Event( "&command", "TestArray" )
   *say The first value in the array is $maTestArray[1]
   *say The second text item in the array is $maTestArray[4] 

.. which would print 'The first value in the array is 100' followed by 'The second text item in the array is Item 2'.

* Other Important Language Features

scripting/basic_syntax.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/15 02:08 by mit

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