Code: Select all
// Medieval - Blacksmith
// [Config]
$kMedBlacksmithBuildingNum = 45
// BuildingVars :
// 3 - Number of Chisels (229) made here (ever)
// 4 - Number of ploughs (115) made here (ever)
// 5 - Number of pickaxes (117) made here (ever)
// 6 - Iron buy-in limit
// 7 - Steel buy-in limit
// 9 - Worker wage per item
// 10 - Wage to be collected by worker
// 12 - Number of swords (224) made here (ever)
// 13 - Number of armour (242) made here (ever)
$kChiselIronRequired = 1
$kPloughIronRequired = 5
$kPickaxeIronRequired = 3
$kSwordSteelRequired = 2
$kArmorSteelRequired = 5
$kMaxIronInStorage = 30
$kMaxSteelInStorage = 30
Function MedBlacksmithShowOwnerEmployeeDisplay( $osdX, $osdY, $wage, $minJobInvest, $currInvest )
$wageText = sysGetPriceText( $wage )
if ( $gBuildingNumEmployees == 1 )
$employeeID = sysGetEmployeeID( 0 )
$name = sysGetPlayerName( $employeeID )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, $osdX, $osdY, 500, 20, "", "Currently employing $name for $wageText per item")
else if ( $wage == 0 )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, $osdX, $osdY, 500, 20, "", "Not currently advertising for staff")
if ( $currInvest > $minJobInvest )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, $osdX, $osdY, 500, 20, "", "Job vacancy for a Blacksmith ($wageText per item)")
$minInvText = sysGetPriceText( $minJobInvest )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, $osdX, $osdY, 500, 20, "", "Requires minimum of $minInvText invested to take on a worker.")
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:IronAdminApply" )
*setbuyprice $gBuildingNum,Iron,$gParam[1]
$gBuildingVar[6] = $gParam[2]
*setbuyprice $gBuildingNum,Steel,$gParam[3]
$gBuildingVar[7] = $gParam[4]
$ret = MedBlacksmithDisplayOwnerIronSuppliesOSD()
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:AddIron" )
$hasIron = sysPlayerInventory( "Iron" )
if ( $hasIron > 0 )
$ironInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Iron" )
if ( $ironInStocks < $kMaxIronInStorage )
*grantitem %PLAYER% -1 Iron
*addtostocks $gBuildingNum,1,Iron
$ret = MedBlacksmithDisplayOwnerIronSuppliesOSD()
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:AddSteel" )
$hasSteel = sysPlayerInventory( "Steel" )
if ( $hasSteel > 0 )
$steelInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Steel" )
if ( $steelInStocks < $kMaxSteelInStorage )
*grantitem %PLAYER% -1 Steel
*addtostocks $gBuildingNum,1,Steel
$ret = MedBlacksmithDisplayOwnerIronSuppliesOSD()
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:WorkerAddIron" )
$hasIron = sysPlayerInventory( "Iron" )
if ( $hasIron > 0 )
$ironInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Iron" )
if ( $ironInStocks < $kMaxIronInStorage )
*grantitem %PLAYER% -1 Iron
*addtostocks $gBuildingNum,1,Iron
$ret = MedBlacksmithVisitorOSD()
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:WorkerAddSteel" )
$hasSteel = sysPlayerInventory( "Steel" )
if ( $hasSteel > 0 )
$steelInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Steel" )
if ( $steelInStocks < $kMaxSteelInStorage )
*grantitem %PLAYER% -1 Steel
*addtostocks $gBuildingNum,1,Steel
$ret = MedBlacksmithVisitorOSD()
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:Main" )
CustomEvent( "MedBlacksmithAccessInit" )
Function MedBlacksmithDisplayOwnerIronSuppliesOSD( )
osdcreate(OSDBUILDING,"MedSmithOSD", "" )
$ironInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Iron" )
$steelInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Steel" )
$ironBuyPrice = sysGetBuyPrice( "Iron" )
$steelBuyPrice = sysGetBuyPrice( "Steel" )
$hasIron = sysPlayerInventory( "Iron" )
$hasSteel = sysPlayerInventory( "Steel" )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 10, 0, 0, "", "$ironInStocks Iron, $steelInStocks Steel currently in storage")
if ( $hasIron > 0 )
if ( $ironInStocks < $kMaxIronInStorage )
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 100, 40, 200, 25, "AddIron", "Add Iron")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 100, 40, 200, 25, "", "Add Iron")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 100, 40, 200, 25, "", "Add Iron")
if ( $hasSteel > 0 )
if ( $steelInStocks < $kMaxSteelInStorage )
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 310, 40, 200, 25, "AddSteel", "Add Steel")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 310, 40, 200, 25, "", "Add Steel")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 310, 40, 200, 25, "", "Add Steel")
$lineY = 90
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, $lineY, 0, 0, "", "Set Iron buy price :")
$valLineY = $lineY - 5
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 170, $lineY, 0, 0, "", "1 Iron for")
osdaddat(OSDCASHVALUE, 240, $valLineY, 100, 25, "ironbuyval", "$ironBuyPrice|0|999")
$lineY = $lineY + 30
if ( $ironBuyPrice == 0 )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 150, $lineY, 0, 0, "", "(Not currently buying Iron)")
$ironBuyPriceText = sysGetPriceText( $ironBuyPrice )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 150, $lineY, 0, 0, "", "(Currently buying at 1 Iron for $ironBuyPriceText)")
$lineY = 150
$valLineY = $lineY - 5
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 60, $lineY, 0, 0, "", "Stop buying once theres :")
$ironInStorageLimit = $gBuildingVar[6]
osdaddat(OSDVALUE, 240, $valLineY, 100, 25, "ironbuylimit", "$ironInStorageLimit|5|30|5")
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 350, $lineY, 0, 0, "", "Iron in storage")
// --------------------- Steel
$lineY = 190
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 110, $lineY, 0, 0, "", "Set Steel buy price :")
$valLineY = $lineY - 5
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 260, $lineY, 0, 0, "", "1 Steel for")
osdaddat(OSDCASHVALUE, 330, $valLineY, 100, 25, "steelbuyval", "$steelBuyPrice|0|999")
$lineY = $lineY + 30
if ( $steelBuyPrice == 0 )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 240, $lineY, 0, 0, "", "(Not currently buying Steel)")
$steelBuyPriceText = sysGetPriceText( $steelBuyPrice )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 240, $lineY, 0, 0, "", "(Currently buying at 1 Steel for $steelBuyPriceText)")
$lineY = 250
$valLineY = $lineY - 5
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 150, $lineY, 0, 0, "", "Stop buying once theres :")
$steelInStorageLimit = $gBuildingVar[7]
osdaddat(OSDVALUE, 330, $valLineY, 100, 25, "steelbuylimit", "$steelInStorageLimit|5|30|5")
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 440, $lineY, 0, 0, "", "Steel in storage")
osdaddat(OSDAPPLYBUTTON, 380, 290, 200, 25, "IronAdminApply|&ironbuyval|&ironbuylimit|&steelbuyval|&steelbuylimit", "Apply Changes")
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 50, 300, 200, 25, "Main", "Main Page")
osdaddat(OSDEXITBUTTON, 50, 330, 200, 20, "", "Close")
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:IronAdmin" )
$ret = MedBlacksmithDisplayOwnerIronSuppliesOSD()
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:SetPrice" )
$itemNum = $gParam[1]
$price = $gParam[2]
$itemName = sysGetItemName( $itemNum )
*setsellprice $gBuildingNum,$itemName,$price
$ret = MedBlacksmithOwnerSetPricesOSD()
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:ApplySellPrice" )
$itemNum = $gParam[1]
$newPrice = $gParam[2]
$itemName = sysGetItemName( $itemNum )
*setsellprice $gBuildingNum,$itemName,$newPrice
$ret = MedBlacksmithOwnerSetPricesOSD()
Function MedBlacksmithShowItemSetPriceOSD( $itemNum )
$itemName = sysGetItemName( $itemNum )
$sellPrice = sysGetSellPrice( $itemNum )
osdcreate(OSDBUILDING,"MedSmithOSD", "" )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 10, 560, 0, "", "Note the building can only make and sell items if you have a worker")
$ironRequired = 0
$steelRequired = 0
if ( $itemNum == 229 ) // Chisel
$ironRequired = $kChiselIronRequired
else if ( $itemNum == 115 ) // Plough
$ironRequired = $kPloughIronRequired
else if ( $itemNum == 117 ) // Pickaxe
$ironRequired = $kPickaxeIronRequired
else if ( $itemNum == 224 ) // Sword
$steelRequired = $kSwordSteelRequired
else if ( $itemNum == 242 ) // Armor
$steelRequired = $kArmorSteelRequired
$lineY = 50
osdaddat(OSDBIGTEXT, 50, $lineY, 0, 0, "", "Set Sell Price for $itemName")
$lineY = $lineY + 30
if ( $sellPrice > 0 )
$priceText = sysGetPriceText( $sellPrice )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 50, $lineY, 500, 0, "", "Currently selling at $priceText.")
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 50, $lineY, 500, 0, "", "Not currently selling")
$lineY = $lineY + 50
osdaddat(OSDCASHVALUE, 250, $lineY, 100, 25, "sellprice", "$sellPrice|0|10000")
$lineY = $lineY + 40
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 200, $lineY, 200, 25, "ApplySellPrice|$itemNum|&sellPrice", "Apply")
$lineY = $lineY + 40
if ( $gBuildingWage > 0 )
$wageText = sysGetPriceText( $gBuildingWage )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 50, $lineY, 500, 0, "", "Your employee will take $wageText of the price for their wages.")
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 50, $lineY, 500, 0, "", "Don't forget your blacksmith's wages will be taken from this price.")
$lineY = $lineY + 16
// TODO - Give description of the amount of resource required to make
if ( $ironRequired > 0 )
$ironBuyPrice = sysGetBuyPrice( "Iron" )
if ( $ironBuyPrice > 0 )
$ironBuyText = sysGetPriceText( $ironBuyPrice )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 50, $lineY, 500, 0, "", "Requires $ironRequired Iron (which you currently buy for $ironBuyText) to make.")
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 50, $lineY, 500, 0, "", "Requires $ironRequired Iron to make.")
$steelBuyPrice = sysGetBuyPrice( "Steel" )
if ( $steelBuyPrice > 0 )
$steelBuyText = sysGetPriceText( $steelBuyPrice )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 50, $lineY, 500, 0, "", "Requires $steelRequired Steel (which you currently buy for $steelBuyText)")
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 50, $lineY, 500, 0, "", "Requires $steelRequired Steel to make.")
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 50, 300, 200, 25, "Main", "Main Page")
osdaddat(OSDEXITBUTTON, 50, 330, 200, 20, "", "Close")
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:ChangePrice" )
$itemNum = $gParam[1]
if ( $itemNum == 242 )
*msg %PLAYER% You cannot currently make Armor
$ret = MedBlacksmithOwnerSetPricesOSD( )
$ret = MedBlacksmithShowItemSetPriceOSD( $itemNum )
Function MedBlacksmithShowSetPriceListItem( $itemNum, $lineY )
$itemName = sysGetItemName( $itemNum )
$sellPrice = sysGetSellPrice( $itemNum )
if ( $sellPrice > 0 )
$priceText = sysGetPriceText( $sellPrice )
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 150, $lineY, 250, 20, "ChangePrice|$itemNum", "$itemName ($priceText)")
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 150, $lineY, 250, 20, "ChangePrice|$itemNum", "$itemName (Not selling)")
Function MedBlacksmithOwnerSetPricesOSD( )
osdcreate(OSDBUILDING,"MedSmithOSD", "" )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 10, 560, 0, "", "Note the building can only make and sell items if you have a worker")
osdaddat(OSDSMALLTEXT, 150, 31, 0, 0, "", "Sell Price")
$lineY = 50
$ret = MedBlacksmithShowSetPriceListItem( 229, $lineY ) // chisel
$lineY = $lineY + 30
$ret = MedBlacksmithShowSetPriceListItem( 115, $lineY ) // plough
$lineY = $lineY + 30
$ret = MedBlacksmithShowSetPriceListItem( 117, $lineY ) // pickaxe
$lineY = $lineY + 30
$ret = MedBlacksmithShowSetPriceListItem( 224, $lineY ) // Sword
$lineY = $lineY + 30
$ret = MedBlacksmithShowSetPriceListItem( 242, $lineY ) // Armor
$lineY = $lineY + 30
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 50, 300, 200, 25, "Main", "Main Page")
osdaddat(OSDEXITBUTTON, 50, 330, 200, 20, "", "Close")
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:SetPrices" )
$ret = MedBlacksmithOwnerSetPricesOSD()
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:SetWage" )
*setwage $gBuildingNum $gParam[1]
$ret = MedBlacksmithOwnerWorkerAdminOSD()
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:Sack" )
if ( $gBuildingNumEmployees > 0 )
$employeeID = sysGetEmployeeID( 0 )
$name = sysGetPlayerName( $employeeID )
*removeemployee $gBuildingNum $name
// Clear the ore that was going to go to the employee
if ( $gBuildingVar[10] > 0 )
*grantitem $name $gBuildingVar[10] Gold
$gBuildingVar[10] = 0
*msg %PLAYER% You fired your worker
CustomEvent( "MedBlacksmithAccessInit" )
Function MedBlacksmithOwnerWorkerAdminOSD()
osdcreate(OSDBUILDING,"MedSmithOSD", "" )
// osdaddat(OSDIMAGE, 30, 10, 128, 128, "", "")
$wageText = sysGetPriceText( $gBuildingWage )
if ( $gBuildingNumEmployees > 0 )
$employeeID = sysGetEmployeeID( 0 )
$name = sysGetPlayerName( $employeeID )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 160,115,440,0, "", "You currently employ $name at a rate of $wageText per item")
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 220,140,300,25, "Sack", "Fire Worker")
osdaddat(OSDBIGTEXT, 20,100,560,0, "", "Set Wage (cost per item made)")
osdaddat(OSDVALUE, 215, 140, 150, 25, "wageval", "$gBuildingWage|1|500" )
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 200,180,150,20, "SetWage|&wageval", "Confirm")
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 400,180,150,20, "SetWage|0", "Not employing")
if ( $gBuildingWage > 0 )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 250, 560, 20, "", "Current wage is $wageText per item produced.")
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 250, 560, 20, "", "You currently have no wage set so will not be employing anyone")
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 20, 300, 200, 25, "Main", "Main Page")
osdaddat(OSDEXITBUTTON, 20, 335, 150, 20, "", "Close")
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:Admin" )
$ret = MedBlacksmithOwnerWorkerAdminOSD()
Function MedBlacksmithOwnerOSD( )
osdcreate(OSDBUILDING,"MedSmithOSD", "" )
$ironInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Iron" )
$steelInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Steel" )
$ironBuyPrice = sysGetBuyPrice( "Iron" )
$steelBuyPrice = sysGetBuyPrice( "Steel" )
$investText = sysGetPriceText( $gBuildingInvestment )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 10, 560, 0, "", "Current investment : $investText")
if ( $ironBuyPrice == 0 )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 30, 560, 0, "", "$ironInStocks Iron currently in storage - Not currently buying")
$ironBuyPriceText = sysGetPriceText( $ironBuyPrice )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 30, 560, 0, "", "$ironInStocks Iron currently in storage - Buying at $ironBuyPriceText each (Until $gBuildingVar[6] in storage)")
if ( $steelBuyPrice == 0 )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 50, 560, 0, "", "$steelInStocks Steel currently in storage - Not currently buying")
$steelBuyPriceText = sysGetPriceText( $steelBuyPrice )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 50, 560, 0, "", "$steelInStocks Steel currently in storage - Buying at $steelBuyPriceText each (Until $gBuildingVar[6] in storage)")
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 200, 80, 200, 25, "IronAdmin", "Supplies Admin")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDTEXT, 20, 140, 560, 20, "", "Made here so far:")
$lineY = 165
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 100, $lineY, 0, 20, "", "$gBuildingVar[3] Chisels")
$lineY = $lineY + 20
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 100, $lineY, 0, 20, "", "$gBuildingVar[4] Ploughs")
$lineY = $lineY + 20
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 100, $lineY, 0, 20, "", "$gBuildingVar[5] Pickaxes")
$lineY = 165
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 350, $lineY, 0, 20, "", "$gBuildingVar[12] Swords")
$lineY = $lineY + 20
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 350, $lineY, 0, 20, "", "$gBuildingVar[13] Armour")
$lineY = $lineY + 20
$lineY = $lineY + 30
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 200, $lineY, 200, 25, "SetPrices", "Set Prices")
$ret = MedBlacksmithShowOwnerEmployeeDisplay( 50, 300, $gBuildingWage, 0, 100 )
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 200, 320, 200, 25, "Admin", "Worker Admin")
Function MedBlacksmithTaskComplete( $taskNum )
if ( $taskNum == 1 ) // Chisel
$itemNum = 229
$gBuildingVar[3] = $gBuildingVar[3] + 1
else if ( $taskNum == 2 ) // Plough
$itemNum = 115
$gBuildingVar[4] = $gBuildingVar[4] + 1
else if ( $taskNum == 3 ) // Pickaxe
$itemNum = 117
$gBuildingVar[5] = $gBuildingVar[5] + 1
else if ( $taskNum == 4 ) // Sword
$itemNum = 224
$gBuildingVar[12] = $gBuildingVar[12] + 1
else if ( $taskNum == 5 ) // Armor
$itemNum = 242
$gBuildingVar[13] = $gBuildingVar[13] + 1
$itemName = sysGetItemName( $itemNum )
*grantitem %PLAYER% 1 $itemName
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:Make" )
$price = sysGetSellPrice( $gParam[1] )
if ( $gParam[1] == 229 ) // Chisel
$ironRequired = $kChiselIronRequired
else if ( $gParam[1] == 115 ) // Plough
$ironRequired = $kPloughIronRequired
else if ( $gParam[1] == 117 ) // Pickaxe
$ironRequired = $kPickaxeIronRequired
else if ( $gParam[1] == 224 ) // Sword
$steelRequired = $kSwordSteelRequired
else if ( $gParam[1] == 242 ) // Armor
$steelRequired = $kArmorSteelRequired
if ( $price <= $gPlayerCash )
// If wage is less than price
if ( $gBuildingWage < $price )
if ( $ironRequired > 0 )
$ironInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Iron" )
if ( $ironRequired <= $ironInStocks )
$amountForInvest = $price - $gBuildingWage
// Add wages
$gBuildingVar[10] = $gBuildingVar[10] + $gBuildingWage
// Take Gold etc
*grantcash %PLAYER% -$price
*addtoinvestment $gBuildingNum $amountForInvest
*removefromstocks $gBuildingNum,$ironRequired,Iron
// TODO - Generify this..
// NEED an extra param on the dobuildingtask to let us pass in an item number
if ( $gParam[1] == 229 ) // Chisel
*dobuildingtask %PLAYER% $gBuildingAccessNum 13 Waiting for the blacksmith to make your chisel
else if ( $gParam[1] == 115 ) // Plough
*dobuildingtask %PLAYER% $gBuildingAccessNum 14 Waiting for the blacksmith to make your plough
else if ( $gParam[1] == 117 ) // Pickaxe
*dobuildingtask %PLAYER% $gBuildingAccessNum 15 Waiting for the blacksmith to make your pickaxe
*msg %PLAYER% Error - unknown blacksmith task
else if ( $steelRequired > 0 )
$steelInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Steel" )
if ( $steelRequired <= $steelInStocks )
$amountForInvest = $price - $gBuildingWage
// Add wages
$gBuildingVar[10] = $gBuildingVar[10] + $gBuildingWage
// Take Gold etc
*grantcash %PLAYER% -$price
*addtoinvestment $gBuildingNum $amountForInvest
*removefromstocks $gBuildingNum,$steelRequired,Steel
if ( $gParam[1] == 224 ) // Sword
*dobuildingtask %PLAYER% $gBuildingAccessNum 16 Waiting for the blacksmith to make your sword
else if ( $gParam[1] == 242 ) // Armor
*dobuildingtask %PLAYER% $gBuildingAccessNum 17 Waiting for the blacksmith to make your armor
*msg %PLAYER% Error - unknown blacksmith task
// TODO - Error(?) - wages less than sell price
*msg %PLAYER% Error - invalid blacksmith task
// Visitor item OSD
Function MedBlacksmithVisitorShowItemOSD( $lineY, $itemNum, $ironRequired, $steelRequired )
$itemName = sysGetItemName( $itemNum )
$sellPrice = sysGetSellPrice( $itemNum )
$textY = $lineY + 5
osdaddat(OSDBIGTEXT, 50, $lineY, 0, 0, "", "$itemName")
if ( $sellPrice > 0 )
$sellPriceText = sysGetPriceText( $sellPrice )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 130, $textY, 0, 0, "", "for $sellPriceText")
$bCanMake = 0;
if ( $ironRequired > 0 )
$ironInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Iron" )
if ( $ironInStocks >= $ironRequired )
$bCanMake = 1
$steelInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Steel" )
if ( $steelInStocks >= $steelRequired )
$bCanMake = 1
if ( $bCanMake == 1 )
if ( $gPlayerCash >= $sellPrice )
osdaddat(OSDEXITBUTTON, 400, $lineY, 150, 25, "Make|$itemNum", "Make $itemName")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 400, $lineY, 150, 25, "", "(Not enough cash)")
if ( $ironRequired > 0 )
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 400, $lineY, 150, 25, "", "(Not enough iron)")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 400, $lineY, 150, 25, "", "(Not enough steel)")
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 130, $textY, 0, 0, "", "(Not for sale)")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 400, $lineY, 150, 25, "", "Purchase $itemName")
$textY = $lineY + 19
if ( $ironRequired > 0 )
osdaddat(OSDSMALLTEXT, 70, $textY, 0, 0, "", "Requires $ironRequired Iron in building")
osdaddat(OSDSMALLTEXT, 70, $textY, 0, 0, "", "Requires $steelRequired Steel in building")
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:SellIron" )
$ironBuyPrice = sysGetBuyPrice( "Iron" )
if ( $ironBuyPrice > 0 )
$ironInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Iron" )
if ( $ironInStocks < $gBuildingVar[6] )
if ( $gBuildingInvestment >= $ironBuyPrice )
$hasIron = sysPlayerInventory("Iron")
if ( $hasIron >= 1 )
*grantitem %PLAYER% -1 Iron
*addtostocks $gBuildingNum,1,Iron
*removefrominvestment $gBuildingNum $ironBuyPrice
*grantcash %PLAYER% $ironBuyPrice
$ret = MedBlacksmithVisitorOSD()
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:Collect" )
$employeeID = sysGetEmployeeID( 0 )
if ( $employeeID == $gPlayerID )
if ( $gBuildingVar[10] > 0 )
*grantcash %PLAYER% $gBuildingVar[10]
$gBuildingVar[10] = 0
$ret = MedBlacksmithVisitorOSD()
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:JobApply" )
osdcreate(OSDBUILDING,"MedSmithOSD", "" )
$hasSkill = sysPlayerSkillLevel("Blacksmith")
if ( $hasSkill < 1 )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 10, 160, 580, 20, "", "You need the 'Blacksmith' skill to be able to take a job here.")
$oldJobCount = $gPlayerNumJobs
*addemployee $gBuildingNum %PLAYER%
if ( $gPlayerNumJobs > $oldJobCount )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 10, 160, 580, 20, "", "Welcome to your new job.")
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 50, 190, 500, 20, "", "You don't need to do anything to work here - though filling the building with Iron may help keep wages regular - just come back occasionally to collect your pay")
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 10, 160, 580, 20, "", "There was a problem with your application.")
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 10, 190, 580, 20, "", "Please try again later.")
osdaddat(OSDEXITBUTTON, 50, 330, 200, 20, "", "Close")
Event( "OSDSelect", "MedSmithOSD:QuitJob" )
*removeemployee $gBuildingNum %PLAYER%
*msg %PLAYER% You left your job at the Blacksmith
$ret = MedBlacksmithVisitorOSD()
Function MedBlacksmithVisitorOSD( )
$numEmployed = $gBuildingNumEmployees;
$maxEmployed = $gBuildingMaxEmployees;
$employeeID = sysGetEmployeeID( 0 )
$ironInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Iron" )
$steelInStocks = sysAmountInStocks( "Steel" )
osdcreate(OSDBUILDING,"MedSmithOSD", "" )
if ( $numEmployed > 0 )
if ( $gBuildingInvestment > 0 )
$investText = sysGetPriceText( $gBuildingInvestment )
$investText = "nothing"
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 50, 0, 0, 0, "", "The smith will make items for you for a price..")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDSMALLTEXT, 90, 15, 0, 0, "", " (Current stocks : $ironInStocks Iron, $steelInStocks Steel. Investment : $investText)")
$ret = MedBlacksmithVisitorShowItemOSD( 40, 229, $kChiselIronRequired, 0 ) // Chisel
$ret = MedBlacksmithVisitorShowItemOSD( 80, 115, $kPloughIronRequired, 0 ) // Plough
$ret = MedBlacksmithVisitorShowItemOSD( 120, 117, $kPickaxeIronRequired, 0 ) // Pickaxe
$ret = MedBlacksmithVisitorShowItemOSD( 160, 224, 0, $kSwordSteelRequired ) // Sword
$ret = MedBlacksmithVisitorShowItemOSD( 200, 242, 0, $kArmorSteelRequired ) // Armor
$name = sysGetPlayerName( $employeeID )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 250, 560, 20, "", "Employs: $name (Blacksmith)")
if ( $employeeID == $gPlayerID )
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 30, 250, 100, 20, "QuitJob", "Quit Job")
if ( $gBuildingVar[10] > 0 )
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 460, 250, 100, 20, "Collect", "Collect pay")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 460, 250, 100, 20, "", "Collect pay")
$wageText = sysGetPriceText( $gBuildingVar[10] )
osdaddat(OSDSMALLTEXT, 460, 275, 100, 20, "", "$wageText")
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 80, 560, 0, "", "The Blacksmith building does not function unless it has an employee")
if ( $gBuildingWage == 0 )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 170, 560, 20, "", "Not currently seeking an employee")
else if ( $numEmployed < $maxEmployed )
$wageText = sysGetPriceText( $gBuildingWage )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 40, 170, 520, 20, "", "There is currently a job available for a Blacksmith at $wageText per item produced.")
if ( $gPlayerNumJobs < $kMaxNumJobs )
$isBlacksmith = sysPlayerSkillLevel("Blacksmith")
if ( $isBlacksmith > 0 )
if ( $gPlayerNumJobs < $kMaxNumJobs )
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 150, 200, 300, 30, "JobApply", "Apply for Job")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 150, 200, 300, 30, "", "(You already have a job elsewhere)")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 150, 200, 300, 30, "", "(Blacksmith skill required)")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 150, 200, 300, 30, "", "(You already have a job)")
$hasShownMessage = 0
$ironBuyPrice = sysGetBuyPrice( "Iron" )
$steelBuyPrice = sysGetBuyPrice( "Steel" )
if ( $ironBuyPrice > 0 )
if ( $ironInStocks < $gBuildingVar[6] )
if ( $gBuildingInvestment >= $ironBuyPrice )
$ironBuyPriceText = sysGetPriceText( $ironBuyPrice )
if ( $steelBuyPrice > 0 )
$steelBuyPriceText = sysGetPriceText( $steelBuyPrice )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 40, 290, 520, 20, "", "This building will buy Iron at $ironBuyPriceText and Steel at $steelBuyPriceText")
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 40, 290, 520, 20, "", "This building will buy Iron at $ironBuyPriceText per iron")
$hasShownMessage = 1
$buttonX = 310
$hasIron = sysPlayerInventory("Iron")
if ( $hasIron > 0 )
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, $buttonX, 310, 130, 25, "SellIron", "Sell Iron")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, $buttonX, 310, 130, 25, "", "Sell Iron")
if ( $steelBuyPrice > 0 )
if ( $steelInStocks < $gBuildingVar[7] )
if ( $gBuildingInvestment >= $steelBuyPrice )
$buttonX = 450
$hasSteel = sysPlayerInventory("Steel")
if ( $hasSteel > 0 )
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, $buttonX, 310, 140, 25, "SellSteel", "Sell Steel")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, $buttonX, 310, 140, 25, "", "Sell Steel")
if ( $employeeID == $gPlayerID )
if ( $hasShownMessage == 0 )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 290, 560, 0, "", "$ironInStocks Iron, $steelInStocks Steel currently in storage")
if ( $ironInStocks < $kMaxIronInStorage )
$hasIron = sysPlayerInventory("Iron")
if ( $hasIron > 0 )
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 40, 310, 120, 25, "WorkerAddIron", "Add Iron")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 40, 310, 120, 25, "", "Add Iron")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 40, 310, 120, 25, "", "Add Iron")
if ( $steelInStocks < $kMaxSteelInStorage )
$hasSteel = sysPlayerInventory("Steel")
if ( $hasSteel > 0 )
osdaddat(OSDBUTTON, 170, 310, 120, 25, "WorkerAddSteel", "Add Steel")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 170, 310, 120, 25, "", "Add Steel")
osdaddat(OSDFADEDBUTTON, 170, 310, 120, 25, "", "Add Steel")
if ( $hasShownMessage == 0 )
osdaddat(OSDTEXT, 20, 290, 560, 0, "", "$ironInStocks Iron, $steelInStocks Steel currently in storage")
osdaddat(OSDEXITBUTTON, 10, 340, 150, 20, "", "Close")
Event( "Custom", "MedBlacksmithAccessInit" )
if ( $gBuildingOwnerID == $gPlayerID )
$ret = MedBlacksmithOwnerOSD()
$ret = MedBlacksmithVisitorOSD()
Event( "AccessBuilding", "$kMedBlacksmithBuildingNum" )
CustomEvent( "MedBlacksmithAccessInit" )
Event( "NewBuilding", "$kMedBlacksmithBuildingNum" )
$gBuildingVar[6] = 10