Topic Edit: Connection Refused

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Killa Chikin
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Topic Edit: Connection Refused

Post by Killa Chikin »


Two problemos:

(Ill say [W] meaning window.)

I start up Universal and it comes up with [w] 'Conecting To world' right?
On screen it has a loadin bar and above says 'Connecting Client to Glaxy' And underneath that 'Connection Refused'
I click abort and [w]'Galaxy List' comes up with just 'Andromeda - Current Gal' I try that and it says 'Could Not Connect to Galaxy - No Response Either the Galaxy is Not Currently Online (even tho it said it was on the Galaxy List) or The Internet Connection Is Not Available' But my internets workin cos the Battlezone thingy quickgame works, non of the other quickgames do tho.

I think its probably cos the servers not online in the US cos its too early. (im in UK btw).

This is just a little one:
How do I refuel my vehs. Ive got all the fuel and stuff but how do i actually get it in the tractor man? I got totally pwned before when everyone else was flyin round me and i was just stood there trying to lob rockets at them. I got a guy called doormouse quite a lot tho, never underestimate a farmyard Vehicle. (wid rocket grenades on) :wink:

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Post by Kirby »

Ack Caps! :P

1) From what I know this could be due to having multiple accounts for all I know,Ask someone else bout that...

2) Depending on the world you usally just buy gas from a gas station

Examples: battlezone: Build then take out of stock
Gyruss: Buy at gas startion
Biplaneworld : Not avalaible (Low fuel usage)


(From what I see you were playing in battlezone :)

Hope this helps!
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Killa Chikin
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Post by Killa Chikin »

Ya, I was in Battlezone. I had the Fuel Station (I called it a Texaco Garage). I took out all the fuel. but it just stuck in my inventory and i couldnt get it IN the vehicles, i was dubleclikin on everything but meh. :?: :?: :?:
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Post by Mit »

fuel is a special item and you need to actually "purchase" it from other player's shops, rather than transferring it from your own, for it to be added to your vehicle's fuel tank.
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Post by Killa Chikin »

k, thnx about the fuel. But does ne1 know the answer to problemo #1? Thats kinda my main one, the fuel was just sumthin I found a bit annoying
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Post by Mit »

the gal was reporting a mismatch with a username 'Cheese' (and 'birthday...'). Have you tried the game before and used a different login name at all?
Have wiped the character so you should be ok to login now.
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Post by Killa Chikin »

Thanxs dude! Its workin now. I had to reinstall it for sum reason once so I had to change my username. Then whenblahblahblahblahblah, blahblahblah!!!! BLAH!!!! BLAHAHAA!!!!!!

U rock. 8)
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Post by loki »

yeah I am also having problems connecting.. my login name is loki.. maybe someone else with this name or what? oh and thanks in advanced if you can fix this.
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Post by Sorakazi »

I'm also having problems connecting.. My username is Sorakazi.
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Post by Kirby » guys,More detail please? Alot of people can't connect due to many reasons. Might help to make a topic with detail or something :roll:
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Post by redemption104 »

hey im brand new, just made my first account and i got the same thing you guys are getting where it says 'connection failed' then i hit abort and it comes up with andromeda online. ill try and connect if it dosent work il edit this post.

EDIT ya i connected fine and when it came up in space itried landing and it seemed to be ok, but when it tried to load the planet it crashed to my desktop. any help would be great.
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Post by Kirby »

redemption104 wrote:hey im brand new, just made my first account and i got the same thing you guys are getting where it says 'connection failed' then i hit abort and it comes up with andromeda online. ill try and connect if it dosent work il edit this post.

EDIT ya i connected fine and when it came up in space itried landing and it seemed to be ok, but when it tried to load the planet it crashed to my desktop. any help would be great.
Ah about that,seems to be random,re-enter the planet and all should be fine.

And about this connection refuesed stuff,It will be fixed soon,I think it has to do something with the server and too many accounts(Hey,this is a beta game ye know :P )
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Post by redemption104 »

thx kirby that worked. Ive been in alot of betas and i have to say, even for some low end graphics, this game has to have the most potential ive ever seen in a beta or even an alpha.
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Post by munaf »

my user name 's munaf and im havin da same connectin prblm wat oder details do u lik need . i had treid 2 conect before wit another accnt but then i uninstald the entire thing cause it was cmn that server doesnt hav ur password or smthn , , ,, , , , PLZ HELP
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Post by Kirby »

First of all,never make multis!
You should request to get one of your accounts deleted and you should be able to get in without any problems mmk? :wink:

(We really gotta put that Multi account stuff somewhere,like the download page)