Zoric\Biplane World {NO connection}
Zoric\Biplane World {NO connection}
A couple of days ago, Zoric went down for the night. I haven't been able to get a connection since, but other people are somehow able to. I have tried many things. Tried a Fresh install. Someone suggested the command !resetme... which by the way, gave me a ship that had no fuel and went about half the speed of the newbie ship i had. Biplane world will kick me alot and sometimes doesn't even show up on the galaxy. I even went as far as trying to run a-tractor to connect. Mit suggested i delete a galaxy.lst file, but yet another dead end. Someone help me out. TY
im still having the same exact problem you are having. i re-installed the game, still did not help. this is the 3rd day for me not being able to get on zoric 

im pretty stumped on reasons for that too.. its been showing up fine for me recently (well fine in the normal sense of it saying "no connection" for a few seconds before responding to the ping) and the galaxy is showing it active with the correct address. I was just on there and Kooly arrived (who was also having a problem with no connection) so maybe its just a passing net thing thats gone now? pfft..
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- Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:36 pm