Gah! Zion is eating up my sheckles, for some reason it will not let me exchange credits! I think I've wasted at least 608s on credits that didn't appear!! At least give me my money back!
But for some reason, it's just not processing the transaction, but it'll still take my sheckels. Stupid greedy son of a.....
I don't know, though, but
maybe it has to do with someone not keeping the starport properly maintained???
It has fallen apart, so that would seem to be the cause of the problem, but I might be wrong..
Galaxy : Zion = Credit Black Hole (Fixed server 0.1.26)
mmm ok.. will have to check thru this.. we had a problem reported a lil while ago with zion starport, but when i checked it lata on it all seemed fine. At that time, i did add some extra logging info so the server records the exchange details, even if the galaxy-part of it fails, so i'll be able to go thru the logs to refund credits. Will try to get that all sorted during this week.
The new 0.1.26 world server released today (and which Zion has just been updated to use) now has additional checks to ensure the world->galaxy connection is available before performing the currency exchange. If the connection is not active the exchange will be refused and a message sent to the client to confirm this. No cash will be taken.
There is currently still a slim chance that an exchange could fail (if the world->gal connection fails and the exchange takes place before the server realises it). This is quite unlikely but will be addressed in a later patch. In the meantime, in the rare event that it does happen, all transactions are logged on both world server and galaxy and so can be checked and manually refunded if necessary.
(NOTE: you can use *getvers to see what server version you're currently connected to)
There is currently still a slim chance that an exchange could fail (if the world->gal connection fails and the exchange takes place before the server realises it). This is quite unlikely but will be addressed in a later patch. In the meantime, in the rare event that it does happen, all transactions are logged on both world server and galaxy and so can be checked and manually refunded if necessary.
(NOTE: you can use *getvers to see what server version you're currently connected to)