i r found haxor

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i r found haxor

Post by madmage »

Software:Universal Client
Version Number:current ver 01/08
i r talked to some1 whos recons dey can hax on planet Zoric
name mightysheep
Baladin> and im moving
DeathsHand> just think of the mineral wealth thAT MIGHT BEFALL YOU IF YOU MAKE THIS ONCE IN A LIFETIME PURCHASE!!!!
Baladin> check it out xD
zaroba> nah..i wouldn't buy that house :P
MightySheep> heres my cheat house
DeathsHand> ha......
Baladin left the race on course 0
DeathsHand> ha ha, very funny
Holt> zaroba what is the direct link to the world creator again i had an error that screwed my world have to restart
madmage> btw i dun type english so ny slue towars my spelling is irrelivante as dis is typoneese :P
MightySheep> check out my cheat house here
Holt> not the p[age that lets you download it but the one that takes you directly to the download
Holt> it says error 404 when i click on the link
MightySheep> who wants to buy my cheat house?
zaroba> sign into the site
MightySheep> selling secret cheap cheat house
Holt> ugggggggggggggg i have to create a new user now bahhhhh
zaroba> http://theuniversaldownloads.com/Unregi ... ll0518.exe
madmage> do us all a fav and kick the hacker
Holt> thanks
Baladin> who hax?
MightySheep> i hax
Baladin> xD
MightySheep> i sellz cheatz housez
DeathsHand> NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
madmage> sry but hackers sux
MightySheep> want to buy it death?
DeathsHand> you owe me one cheat house, zaroba!!!!!
Baladin> i saw some one in space like 'im too lazy for this game ill just hack it '
madmage> lame ass ppl who cant play nything without cheating
zaroba> i don't have anything of yours
Baladin> and im like you lamer
zaroba> who was it bal?
MightySheep> madmage is jealous cus he cant hax like me
Baladin> cant remember but if i see him again ill tell ya
madmage> < pc geek
madmage> could hack if i wanted 2
Baladin> i told him it was all chat logged
MightySheep> you make me look bad
Baladin> so he was liek 'i dont care'
madmage> but i feel cheating takes away from the enjoyment of the game
zaroba> exactly
MightySheep> my fireworks beat your little candle show
Holt> do you guys now how to hack ? :P
MightySheep> i do
MightySheep> i am 1337
zaroba> really hack? or just crack?
MightySheep> betya dont know what that means eh
madmage> sry sheep but if this was my planet u whouldnt be here
MightySheep> well its not
madmage> fair but i'l still gunna call j00 a lame ass cheater
Baladin> nooo
Holt> what is the standard code to rebout your computer ppl who think they can hack ?
MightySheep> you wont get me that easy
Holt> LOL
MightySheep> i know your basic trix
zaroba> in otherwords he doesn't know :P
MightySheep> i know every trick in the book
MightySheep> hell i even wrote the book
Baladin> xD
Holt> LOL
madmage> for me the standard code is to look in 1 of my many e=books]#
Holt> omg
Baladin> xD
zaroba> something like 99% of people who brag about hacking in online games are nothing but pathetic script kiddies and fakes
zaroba> who just use brute force password crackers to 'hack';
DeathsHand> only thing i can hack with is a shuriken
madmage> < isnt brqagging about bieing an ubah hacker
Holt> so you're telling me madmage you have a book that tells you the prefect way on how to hack universal
Baladin> lol
madmage> < is slagging hackerz off
MightySheep> i can hack your brains out zaroba... i just need an axe
madmage> cause dey suxorz
Baladin> xD
madmage> lets look at thye mentality of the average hacker
Baladin> i forget all the effect holt told me
madmage> it is ....
madmage> ohh i suck at this game
Baladin> and how to do white writing?
Holt> what about me baladin?
Holt> oh the effects?
Baladin> yeh
zaroba> mentality of the 'average hacker' is a damn 9 year old who thinks they appear special by knowing a few scripts
madmage> hmm this code makes me better then any1 else cause they all have to work to maker there toons uber
Holt> uhh i think it only works when you'rew god
DeathsHand> madmage, go into space, make a faction, and i'll tell you all the ways to hack
Baladin> aww
zaroba> or by figuring out passwords to things.
zaroba> which isn't hacking
Holt> lol
madmage> i'll just have the uber toon io 5 mins of playing the game
madmage> hackers suxorz
madmage> i got like 20 books on hacking
zaroba> oh bal? how so?
Holt> ugg chat down
Baladin> now there is your perfect example of a hacker xD
MightySheep> i had a freind who thought he was hacking runescape when he was doing recovery questions to peoples accounts
madmage> irellevant of the C+ c~ and other junk i got
Baladin> they hacekd some first person shooter online
Baladin> auto aim bots etc
Baladin> apparently
zaroba> thats not hacking mighty. if anything thats scamming or spoofing to get peoples login info
DeathsHand> HOLT you still have the unifighter?
zaroba> aim bots arn't anything special. you can download them online easily
MightySheep> yeah i hacked his mum
Baladin> true
zaroba> just search google for aim bot
madmage> i'm into programmin not hacking and theres a big difference between the 2
DeathsHand> I owe you missiles, he he
Holt> oooooohhhhhh you think you know gow to program now madmage
MightySheep> how did baladin get a jetsled
Holt> heheheehehehehehehehehehe
Baladin> i bought one i said
zaroba> probably by logging in on xmas
MightySheep> from holt?
zaroba> or he bought it from somebody who did
MightySheep> what for?
Baladin> holt swapped it for my camaro
Holt> i gave ti to you baladin
madmage> i know a lil of programmin yeah
Holt> oops
MightySheep> Holt
Baladin> lol
MightySheep> your serious?
madmage> me?
Baladin> he doesnt mind :D
madmage> ofc i'm serious
Baladin> he was going to do it for free
Holt> no i still have baladin just had one spawn into his inventory today when i got on and was one of the only ppl to have one that's all
Baladin> but i gave him my camaro when he wasnt looking
MightySheep> you swapped the fastest car in the world with unlimited fuel and ability to fly for a damn camaro????!!?!!?!?!?
DeathsHand> I'll sell my jeep for 2,000s
Holt> baladin come get camero back
Baladin> lol ok
MightySheep> ill have it
MightySheep> :)#
Holt> im at hilltop
Baladin> you have another sled?
zaroba> actualkly the sled *should* be using fuel. i never set it though
Holt> thanks
Baladin> thanks
madmage> < ok so this is how noob i am
Baladin> yeh shadow star / orion told me, him and his mates hacked
MightySheep> Holt has no car now
MightySheep> you mean bastard
Stunner has joined the game
Holt> brb
Baladin> you have another sled yes?
Holt has left
DeathsHand> zaroba, why no ornamental?
Baladin> stunner!
DeathsHand has left
MightySheep> Stunner get t2 cars now!
madmage> i got the 2008 ver of Psp visual basic studios. C
Baladin> whoo
DeathsHand has joined the game
madmage> c+/c# programmin inviroments
madmage> dirext x 9c SDK
DeathsHand> Is there anything i can do with landscaping?
Baladin> all jibberish to me
madmage> about 5 different uv mappers
Baladin> yes deaht you can make roads in your own town
madmage> hell if i was half as skilled as mit u'd be seeing TU - madmage ver
MightySheep> nah
MightySheep> id hax it and make it explode
Holt has joined the game
madmage> u may hax it
MightySheep> i can turn your computer into a nuclear bomb with my new skilz
DeathsHand> where did holt go? to space i hope.....
Holt> had to pay the pizza guy :/
Baladin> holt
Baladin> do you have another sled?
madmage> but i'd be smart enough to use exploit moniterz
DeathsHand has left
MightySheep> exploit moniterz... oldest trick in the book
madmage> and funnily enough it works
Holt> no baladin
Holt> omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MightySheep> it works on teh noobs
Baladin> muahahha
Holt> i dont want it
MightySheep> i was haxing them when i was 5
Holt> keep it!!!!!!!!!!!1
Baladin> why what care u buying?
Baladin> car*
madmage> yeah with badly coded moniterz
Holt> i dont know whoever can make me one
Baladin> well
MightySheep> stunner
Baladin> you can keeo it for now
Stunner> im learnin lvl 6 then i build
Baladin> keep*
MightySheep> we are all waiting on stunner
Baladin> stunner
MightySheep> i want to buy a slower car
Stunner> 55 mins
Baladin> you arent paying for the skill are you?
MightySheep> so i can race slow people
Stunner> yea i thought thats what ur sopse to do to llvl up
madmage> basically i grew up with a keyboard stuck up my ass so ur haxzor skills aint gunna impress me
MightySheep> only i can get to lvl 6 manu
Baladin> no you can lvl up by building something the same lvl as you
Baladin> xD
Baladin> you just wasted loots of money
Baladin> damn
MightySheep> cos only 1 person can make a solar powerplant and thats the only lvl 5 thing
Baladin> nvm
MightySheep> and i have the only one :)
Stunner> i kno that but i aint wastin sh** to do that
Baladin> you can make lots if you sell some ferrari :P
faceless has joined the game
Baladin> hey
Stunner> ill be doin thatbaladin dont worry about that ;P
MightySheep> hello fcluelessless
Baladin> :)
Baladin> lol wtf sheep
MightySheep> i need squippo
faceless> sheep, thought you left with the other noobs" -- end chat log

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Post by Mishka »


And you peeps actually believe this fool? Ridiculous.

zaroba> something like 99% of people who brag about hacking in online games are nothing but pathetic script kiddies and fakes
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Post by madmage »


< pc geek
< doing the responcible community thing of letting the powers dat be knpw :P

!!! i r bielive no1!!!
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Post by zaroba »

nothing wrong with 'being' a hacker.
its not like he hacked the game or cheated.
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Post by Baladin »

He was being a moron like he usual is, i think its called 'taking the pansy'
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Post by Baladin »

Baladin wrote:He was being a moron like he usual is, i think its called 'taking the pansy'
Ok not pansy, that just censored what i truely said xD
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Post by Alfred »

I r found an idiot that thinks bad grammar is cool,and doesn't know when someone is having a joke at his expense.
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Post by Gavinbaisk »

Alfred wrote:I r found an idiot that thinks bad grammar is cool,and doesn't know when someone is having a joke at his expense.
Really? Where? :?