My AVG anti virus kicked in at sometime during the run and minimized the game. This has caused the client to freeze in the past (like right when Alfred was extracting my bounty

Uridium is always taken from the inventory the second you click the stardrive button. This means if your game crashes during the stardrive sequence, you'll lose the uridium you used and will have failed to move a single parsec. I don't think its really a bug.For some unkwon reason you lose the extra uridium when the game takes the uridium away from your toral befor the jump starts.
No me game dose not crash when this bug bits. ( But I do know what you mean ).kb32a wrote:Uridium is always taken from the inventory the second you click the stardrive button. This means if your game crashes during the stardrive sequence, you'll lose the uridium you used and will have failed to move a single parsec. I don't think its really a bug.For some unkown reason you lose the extra uridium when the game takes the uridium away from your total befor the jump starts.
Does your game crash a lot... specifically in the stardrive sequence?
You hit it on the nail.Gavinbaisk wrote:From what i understand with KB's post, could it be that this is may also happens if the connection gets slow or disconnects for a few seconds while stardriving?