I have my old world, T'muiria which has one Bdat file. I am also making another world for the future that will have a different bdat.
Thing is I can't use 'Building_Tmuir.dat' and '------.dat' (namless here for present) for the new world. Instead I have to change the name of the bdat to buildings.dat in order to run the one I need for the world in question.
Another thing is that my names file from the old world is being used in the new world B-dat.
Is there away to have two bdats, without sharing the names file so I can run the old world when I am not working on the new one or do I just need to pick one world and stick with it?
the bdat that the world is useing has to be named buildings.dat. could always just keep the new one in a seperate folder though.
the names file is being used is because the new bdat is in the servers data folder and because the editor loads the item names from the names file. a simple solution to this is to have the new bdat saved somewhere else.
the names file is being used is because the new bdat is in the servers data folder and because the editor loads the item names from the names file. a simple solution to this is to have the new bdat saved somewhere else.