Can't login at all

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Can't login at all

Post by UniversalDude »

Hi, all!

I know, this has been asked many times, and yes, I have read all the posts regarding logon-problems. I guess. It's been so many hours now, I'm just fed up.
Here's the problem:

When I start the game it says "Establishing connection" and "Initialising". Then the "Connection failed" window pops up. In the following "Galaxy List" window Andromeda is "not responding", the prog keeps checking, but it never connects.
I tried as recommended, hitting the "don't connect" button.
But in the game, all three servers (Zion, The Republic and Mechzone) are never responding - "no response".
My firewall is opened, TCPView says "TheUniversal.exe" is running.
I've never played the game once before and would really like to try it, but without any connection possible, what can I do?
The game version is 0.50.2, downloaded from this website.
I tried redownloading, reinstalling (with deletion of the complete game folder) many times.
My only guess now is that something got messed up while trying to connect for the first time and the game assumes that I'm trying to have multis. Though I never got any messages regarding my character name or the password at all.
So please, could you just tell me if I'm plain stupid and doing anything wrong running the program or, if not, delete my character so I can start from scratch again. Not having played a single minute that's not much of a problem for me at all. Smile
Any help for running the game freshly after resetting me would be very much appreciated.

I've posted this also in the sticky for resets, please forgive me for double posting, I'm just trying to get my message into the right forum and read by the right people.
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Post by havoc542 »

:!: :!: I have had the exact same problem! What's the deal? I wanna play too.It sucks. :x