Zoric 6 Thoughts/Ideas

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Zoric 6 Thoughts/Ideas

Post by zaroba »

working on the bdat for zoric 6, and its quite complex. so far my basic ideas for it are the following.

- weapons are available on the island, but will be very expensive and very hard to make. basicly, weapons are available, but they are costly to use to deter alot of combat.
- buildings will be destroyable by weapons, but it will cost much more in weapons to destroy a building then it will for the owner of the building to repair/rebuild it
- constructing stuff will be faster, and more like old times because buildings will cost more in money then they will money in building materials. i.e. spend 150s on starting the building, then throw down maybe another 10s to buy 75 wood to complete it.
- most building materials will cost under 50d per.
- added many new production lines into the island, including 3 types of vehicle parts, a 2nd type of chemical, 3 types of weapon parts, 3 types of explosives, and a few other assorted items.
- bottem level stuff (i.e. oil, moetal ore, etc) is less then 5d per to make
- fert is made by animal farms, very slowly by houses, and thier is also a fert only farm, it is expensive and makes fert for a few more d per, but also makes 2500 at a time once a month, so its kinda a trade off, higher cost but much more fert.
- thiers once again 2 types of bars and a Restaurant type of building, all 3 are leisure
i've gotten rid of the brewery factory and instead made the bars make the booze they sell.
- food will now cost appropiat according to its nutrition, in other words, food thats better for you costs more

any other stuff or thoughts on the above you think should be added?
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Post by Spider »

It must be great being able to make upyour own buildings for your island...

What? No breweries? Haven't you seen my avatar? Impossible! -This is a joke by the way don't take it seriously...

All of these different types of stuff...There must be a huge amount of players to be able to manufacture all of it and ensure competition...Unless of course the buildings are cheaper than usual...or people don't need them...like cars...and weapons...oh well...:twisted:

Types of parts and chemicals? Can you do that? LIke Car part 1,2, etc? Or do you mean that certain stuff will be used to make cars?

I like the food will now cost appropiate according to its nutrition idea too

Can I suggest the sence of progression idea like what it was in 03, where Buildings which sold non-essential stuff like cars were expensive to make, and cost about the same as the starting cash. This would mean that non-essential buildings will take up less space in the starting town and might actually stop people complaining about a lack of space too

Don't forget to set money making for towns, I think 25% was the ususal without Town Mayor skill, which doesn't exist anymore, I think...
f course, back in 03 towns were 3000s, which somehow managed to work fine

Zoric 6 (wow, 4 versions since 03) sounds like it will be different to the other islands...

Man, I enjoy babbling like crazy...
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Post by zaroba »

hmm, making bdats. i woulden't actually say its great fun. Its more like a long, tiring, monotanous, sometimes frustrating task. i'll just leave it at that instead of babbling a few paragraphs about how much of a pain in the arse it can be.

the other types of parts etc are made possible by useing the item renaming feature in registered islands. once the bdat is stuck on an island, can edit the islands item file and rename items to make it look right. like will need to rename Robocrow Parts, Robocrows, and Robocrow Special to Weapon Parts 1, Weapon Parts 2, and Weapon Parts 3

basic stuff isen't to complex (fuel still needs only chems and oil, etc), only non essentual stuff is complex and expensive. different vehicles will require different types of vehicle parts, different vehicle parts require different types of metal to be made. in the case of cars, it will be much easier to easily make only one item of the 3 a fac will make since each vehicle will use different materials, as will each part. vehicles require stuff from most other production and manafacturing buildings, so probably wont be possible at the start of an island.
same goes for weapons. weapons are made expensive numerous ways. the most obvious thing is that even the smaller of the 2 wep facs costs 2.5k to make, then you also have a weapon parts fac, explosives fac, and weapon shop to sell the weps from (atleast 10k for all that, and the costs for 5k materials). besides that, each weapon requires different items to be made, and to fully use a weapon fac and make each of what it makes, you'll have to use stuff from every other production and manafacturing building, also from some farms (so, basicly, unless the island is well developed its useless to spend money on weps)

town income was coded into the game, can't set it up in the bdat

heh, the 3k costing towns in zoric 2 almost killed the island, i had to give out loans for towns to players due to the main town filling up to fast from mostly houses.
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Post by Spider »

Bump...opps did I make that sound?...This should be in Sugestions but oh well...At least back in those days people were even willing to take out loans to build towns, plus new people couldn't go straight in and build a town...
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Post by Spider »

Well, hopefully the "food will now cost appropiat according to its nutrition, in other words, food thats better for you costs more" idea will have the right prices, because I have an idea involving Beer...

By the way, what is the skill for building leisure, because a build leisure skill does not exist...
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Post by zaroba »

build special builds leisure. it also builds schools.