Start :Fresh world, buildings flourishing and towns being planned, low wages standard and high price materials common.
Developed: 2 towns on the world, and more buildings flourish to grab the extra room - tents a plenty.
More Development - More towns, and taxs start to flux, competition sticks it's heel in.
Balanced - Enough towns to last and all the major players have sunk their teeth in, prices continue to change and evolve to tackle new competition, and everything seems to be going steadily
Slump - Deaf rids the world for some time and buildings start to highly swap hands, recycliing the old to make way for the new business players willing to take them on. Severe shorages crop up, but plans are afoot to tackle them head on by the more serious players.
Current State:Advanced: Price lowering is more fierce now, tax's are all over the place, and the current business of choice seems to change more rapidly, a high shortage of workers (esp laborers) means the low wage is nearly a joke to most players, finally the job wage picks up, and those who can not do good business are left behind.with their min wages and derelict buildings - Plenty of town space for further development. houses are all over the place and prices vary mostly by player or location, and demand to expand ones town.
What's next? weapons are still slow on the uptake, and perhaps it wont be long before we have an "underground" type feel, where battling is common and econ is challenging. I see a revolution happening with town tax's due to the current demand to fill up extra space, and a lack of new buildings may make this even worse.
Anyone care to add/change this? It's nice to see how the economy evolves from start to maturity, always seems to be different each time, but leads to a general path I think of low prices and select ammount of wealthy players sneering from their hilltops

Anyone want to do one for Sabrada?