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ScriptedOSD Reference

Scripts run on the server can create an OSD layout that is transmitted to then executed by the client. See the ScriptedOSD Overview for a general description of how this system is used.

ScriptedOSD Commands


Parameters OSD_TYPE, Name, Title, [Expiry Time]
Example osdcreate(OSDBUILDING,“Main”, “” )
Description This function is used to start a new osd block.

OSD_TYPE determine the location and appearance of the OSD background (See list below). The Name of the OSD is used to identify its components : See [Responding to OSD Button Presses]. Expiry Time is optional - if used, it specifies the number of seconds the OSD will appear for before automatically closing.

OSD_TYPE can be one of :

Each type has a different default setup and use case, e.g. OSDWINDOW creates a 400×300 background window positioned in the center of the screen. For OSDBUILDING, the OSD is displayed within the region of the building access window. See [OSD Types Reference] for details of each type.

OSDText / OSDTextRight / OSDTextCenter

Parameters [TEXTYPE], X, Y, Text
Example OSDText( SMALL, 100, 100, “Hello World” )
Description Adds text to an OSD at the specified coordinate.

Note TEXTTYPE can be ommitted (text defaults to 'NORMAL') so OSDText( 10, 10, “Hello” ) is valid. Full list of supported types below..


Parameters OSD_ITEMTYPE, X, Y, W, H, Name, Title
Example OsdAdd( BUTTON, 100, 100, 200, 20, “Option1”, “Press me” )
Description Adds individual elements to an OSD at a specific location.


Parameters OSD_ITEMTYPE, Name, Text
Example OsdAddAuto( IMAGE, “”, “” )
Description This is a basic function to add an OSD item to the screen. Each item appears below any previously added items. If you want more control of the layout of your OSD then you would use the OSDAdd command.


Parameters Flag to set
Example osdset( “BlockEscape” )
Description This function is used to set a specific OSD behaviour flag.

Currently, “BlockEscape” is the only valid flag and is used to remove the user control to press escape to close an osd screen. Example

osdcreate( OSDLOWER, "Help", "Help Guide" )
osdset( "BlockEscape" )
osdadd( TEXT, 100,0, 400, 100, "", "Welcome to my world, press the button to start" )
osdadd( BUTTON, 200, 70, 200, 35, "", "Start Game" )


Parameters : None Example : OsdActivate()
Description : Triggers the actual transmission of the OSD layout to the client.


Parameters : None Example : $text = sysGetTextEntry()
Description : Related but separate from the OSD functions, this call is used in an OSDSelect event to retrieve the text the user entered in a TEXTENTRY box.

ScriptedOSD Item Types

Button Types

Image Types

Graphic Types

User Input Types

Display Control Types

Other OSD Types

ScriptedOSD Text Types

Text can be added to your OSD using various text types, that specify the size and colour of the text to be displayed. If the text type is ommitted, standard text formatting will be used, otherwise valid text types are as follows :