This script sets up a team CTF game. It assumes we've got vehicles 6 and 7 set up to be used by each team, and a script zones 6 and 7 added to the map as the spawn points.

First function is called when the player joins the game:

function	CTFSignup()
	$team = TeamAutoSelect()

	if ( $team == 1 )
		*setvehicle %PLAYER% 6
		*respawninscriptzone %PLAYER% 6
		*setvehicle %PLAYER% 7
		*respawninscriptzone %PLAYER% 7

Next function sets the flag base and capture destinations to specific buildings (buildings 132 and 138 have already been added to the map) and sets the spawn zone for each team.

function	CTFServerStart()
	*flagsetbase 1 138 1
	*flagsetcapturedest 1 132
	*flagsetbase 2 132 2
	*flagsetcapturedest 2 138

	*setteamrespawnscriptzone 1 6
	*setteamrespawnscriptzone 2 7

        // Activate the subgame scoreboard
	SubgameActivateScoreboard( 0, 0 )

For each player in the subgame, we add a weapon to the player and start a timer:

function	CTFStart()
        *bonusweapon %PLAYER% 11 1000
	*onscreentimer %PLAYER%,0,180

Events track the flag captures and add a special effect when the player captures a flag:

Event( "FlagCapture", "1" )
	SubgameIncrementScore( $kBongochimpSubgameID, 1 )
	*uieffect %PLAYER% 1

Event( "FlagCapture", "2" )
	SubgameIncrementScore( $kBongochimpSubgameID, 0 )
	*uieffect %PLAYER% 1

Finally, when the timer expires, we check the scores and announce winners:

function	BongochimpShowTeamScoreResults()
     $subgameID = 0
	$team1Score = SubgameGetScore( $subgameID, 0 )
	$team2Score = SubgameGetScore( $subgameID, 1 )
	if ( $team1Score > $team2Score )
		SubgameMessageAll( $subgameID, "Team 1 victorious!", 1 )
		SubgameEventTeam( $subgameID, 1, "TeamPrizeWin", "" )
		*say Team 1 defeated Team 2 : $team1Score - $team2Score
	else if ( $team2Score > $team1Score )
		SubgameMessageAll( $subgameID, "Team 2 victorious!", 1 )
		SubgameEventTeam( $subgameID, 2, "TeamPrizeWin", "" )
		*say Team 2 defeated Team 1 : $team2Score - $team1Score
	else  /// scores are equal
	    SubgameMessageAll( $subgameID, "Match tied!", 1 )
		*say Team game tied : $team1Score - $team2Score