Table of Contents

Weapon commands

These commands are most commonly used from script to add weapons or particles to your world.

Reference documentation for setting up weapon behaviours is here.


Format *weaponfire [weapon_num],[from_playerid],[world_X],[world_Y],[world_z],[dir_x],[dir_y],[dir_z],[param]
Description Adds a weapon to the world


Event( "Custom", "DemoWeapon" )
    $angle = 0
    while ( $angle < 360 )
        $angleX = sysSin( $angle, 100 )
        $angleY = sysCos( $angle, 100 )
        $posX = $gPlayerWorldX + $angleX
        $posY = $gPlayerWorldY + $angleX
        $posZ = $gPlayerWorldZ + 300
        *weaponfire 1,$gPlayerID,$posX,$posY,$posZ,$angleX,$angleY,0,0
        $angle += 36        


Format *weaponfirespread [spread_type],[spread_range],[num_weaps],[weapon_num],[from_player],[world_X],[world_Y],[world_z],[vel_x],[vel_y],[vel_z],[param]
Description Adds a batch of weapons to the world


Event( "Custom", "Testweap" )
    $posX = $gPlayerWorldX
    $posY = $gPlayerWorldY
    $posZ = $gPlayerWorldZ + 2000

    *weaponfirespread 0,2000,100,3,$gPlayerID,$posX,$posY,$posZ,0,0,0,0
If you're using the old-school method of modifying your server's Data\Weapons.txt to set up weapons, dont forget to use *refreshweap to reload the file