===== 3D Particle Effects ===== You can add 3d particle effects to your world using the effect commands:\\ ''*addeffect [PLAYER_NAME],[EFFECT_NUM],[worldX],[worldY],[worldz](,[SCALE],[PARAM])''\\ ''*addeffectall [num],[worldX],[worldY],[worldz],[scale],[param]''\\ ''*addspreadeffect [PLAYER_NAME],[spread_type],[spread_range],[spread_amount],[effectnum],[worldX],[worldY],[worldz],[scale],[param]''\\ ''*addspreadeffectall [spread_type],[spread_range],[spread_amount],[effectnum],[worldX],[worldY],[worldz],[scale],[param]''\\ \\ e.g Example of the command used from script: Event( "&command", "Particles" ) { $effectNum = 10 $scale = 100 $param = 0 *addeffect %PLAYER%,$effectNum,$gPlayerWorldX,$gPlayerWorldY,0,$scale,$param } Note if the WorldZ is set to 0, the particle effect appears on the landscape. The [SCALE] and [PARAM] parameters are optional and ignored by many of the effects. Currently supported values for the 'EFFECT_NUM' parameter are: * 0 - A circle of 'sparks' cast up, then out and up from the position given * 1 - A circle of larger 'sparks' cast out and up from the position given. * 2 - A column of sparks around the location * 3 - A sphere of sparks around the location given * 4 - A spark fountain appears at the specified location * 5 - Spark fountain with different behaviour * 6 - A burst of spark particles is cast out in a circle centered on the effect location * 7 - Reverse of effect 6, particles travel in to meet at the effect location * 8 - Sets off a series of bursts of smoke * 9 - Sets off a series of bursts of smoke, as though a cigar was being smoked at the effect location. * 10 - Starts a fire attached to the player specified * 11 - [Not currently used] * 12 - A circle explosion cast out from the effect location * 13 - A circle explosion cast out from the effect location with a small flame explosion at the centre * 14 - Triggers a rocket launch sequence on the specified player * 15 - Triggers a rocket launch sequence on the nearest building to the player * 16 - Small sized flame explosion * 17 - Medium sized flame explosion * 18 - Large flame explosion * 19 - Makes the player perform animation 'Action 1' (if the player model has such an animation) * 20 - [Not currently used] * 21 - [Not currently used] * 22 - [Not currently used] * 23 - [Not currently used] * 24 - [Not currently used] * 25 - [Not currently used] * 26 - [Not currently used] * 27 - Player gets a jetpack for a period of time. (90 seconds by default, if a param value is used that determines the number of seconds the jetpack is active for) * 28 - Cancel the bonus jetpack from effect 27 * 29 - Adds a firework generator at the specified location. The firework generator will launch fireworks at regular intervals for 10 seconds. * 30 - Special effect for attaching armour to a tractor. Limited use cases :) ==== Spread Effects ==== Using the *addspreadeffect or *addspreadeffectall commands is effectively the same as triggering *addeffect or *addeffectall multiple times, with the location of each effect instance controlled by the spread type and range. Currently the spread type can be:\\ 0 - Effects are distributed randomnly in a circular radius around the location given\\ 1 - Effects are distributed evenly in a circular radius around the location given\\