===== Fog ===== The main setting for controlling the 'fog' effect on your world is ''*settings -> Landscape -> Fogging Mode'' \\ ''0 = Amount of fog varies according to the current time of day and weather settings \\ 1 = Static level of light grey fog \\ 2 = Static level of black fog \\ 3 = Static level of white fog \\ 4 = Static level of mid-grey fog \\ 5 = Dense mid grey fog \\ 6 = Very dense mid/dark grey fog \\ 7 = Dense black fog \\ 8 = Dense white fog \\ 9 = No fog effect \\ 10 = Varies according to the current daytime and weather but the fog distance is further. \\ '' When using modes 0 or 10, the amount (and colour) of fog will be determined by the current weather - check [[world_setup:appearance:environment:weather|here]] for details of the weather settings