===== Building Commands ===== These commands allow you to construct buildings from console or script, and control the stocks of the building (e.g. Add items to the building stocks and set their prices) ==== Building Construction ==== **addbuilding** ... ''*addbuilding [BUILDING_TYPE],[OWNER_ID],[MapX],[MapY],"Building Name",( [ConstructionMaterials1], [ConstructionMaterials2] )'' \\ Adds a new building to the map and broadcasts the details to all players. \\ **addbuildingtoworld** ... ''*addbuildingtoworld [BUILDING_TYPE],[OWNER_ID],[WorldX],[WorldY],"Building Name",( [ConstructionMaterials1], [ConstructionMaterials2] )'' \\ Same as addbuilding but using world coordinates instead of map coordinates \\ **buildingconstruct** .. ''*buildingconstruct [PLAYERNAME] [BuildingCode]'' \\ Activates the building construction UI allowing the player to place the building \\ ==== Building Stocks ==== **addtostocks** ... ''*addtostocks [buildingID],[quantity],[item name]''\\ Adds the item to the building stocks \\ **removefromstocks** ... ''*removefromstocks buildingID,quantity,item name''\\ Removes an item from the building's stocks \\ **setbuyprice** ... ''*setbuyprice [BUILDINGRECORD_NUM],[ITEMNAME],[PRICE]''\\ Sets the buy price for the named item at the building \\ **setsellprice** ... ''*setsellprice [BUILDINGRECORD_NUM],[ITEMNAME],[PRICE]''\\ Sets the sell price for the named item at the building \\ ==== Building Sale & Employee commands ==== **addemployee** ... ''*addemployee ''\\ Adds an employee to the building \\ **buildingmaxemployed** ... ''*buildingmaxemployed [BUILDING_NUM] [VALUE 0 - 16]''\\ Sets the upper limit for number of employees allowed in this building \\ **buildingsaleprice** .. ''*buildingsaleprice '' \\ Sets the building sale price (0 means the building is not for sale) \\ **removeemployee** ... ''*removeemployee [BUILDING_NUM] [NAME]''\\ Removes an employee from the building \\ **setwage** ... ''*setwage BuildingNum wage''\\ Sets the wage for the building \\ ==== Building Script commands ==== **buildingparam** ... ''*buildingparam [BUILDING_RECORDNUM] [PARAM_VALUE 0-255]''\\ Sets the 'BuildingScriptParam' value for a particular building. This value is accessed from building script events using ''$gBuildingScriptParam'' \\ **dobuildingtask** ... ''*dobuildingtask [player] [buildingnum] [taskcode] [text]''\\ Activates a building task for the player & building \\ ==== World administration commands for Buildings ==== **buildetails** \\ Prints details of the nearest building \\ **buildinglimits** \\ Prints a message indicating the limits for building on this world (e.g. max number of buildings you can own) \\ **buildingteams** \\ Prints the number of buildings currently assigned to teams.\\ **changebuilding** ... ''*changebuilding [BUILDING_RECORDNUM] [NEW_BUILDING_TYPE_NUM]'' \\ Changes an existing building to a different type. \\ **cleardestroyedbuildings** \\ Clears any references to destroyed buildings from the map file. (Destroyed buildings are not automatically removed from the map as you may wish to restore them). \\ **clearlostbuildings** \\ Clears up any buildings that exist in the .bui file but don't exist in the map. (Shouldn't happen unless something has gone odd, or you've been fiddling with your files in some unpleasant way).\\ **deleteallbuildings** \\ Deletes all building records from the game and removes them from the map. \\ **demolishallbuildings** \\ Demolishes all buildings on the map. (Note that normally building records never get fully deleted (For game modes where a demolished building can get restored etc). To fully delete all the buildings from your world, use *deleteallbuildings\\ **demolishplayerbuildings** .. ''*demolishplayerbuildings [PLAYER]'' \\ Removes all the player's buildings from the map (except ones that have been flagged in the buildings editor with 'Can't demolish' \\ **employeerecount** ... ''*employeerecount'' \\ Used to make sure that all buildings have the correct employee details. (Mostly useful if you've been fiddling with data files or backups or something odd). \\ **movebuildinghere** ... ''*movebuildinghere [BUILDING_RECORD_NUMBER]''\\ Moves the specified building to your current location \\ **recalcprod** \\ Used to immediately re-calculate the production efficiencies of all buildings on the world. (Can be useful if you are adjusting settings or building details). \\ **reloadbuildings** .. ''*reloadbuildings''\\ Reloads the Data\buildings.dat file which contains the definition of all the building types available on your world. \\**removebuilding** ... ''*removebuilding type,mapx,mapy''\\ Removes a building from the map \\ **repairbuilding** \\ Repairs the building closest to you current position. \\ **repairallbuildings** \\ Repairs all buildings in the world \\ **restorelostbuilding** \\ **rotatebuilding** ... ''*rotatebuilding [ROTATION 0-31]''\\ Rotates the nearest building to the specified angle \\ **setbuildingstateflags** ... ''*setbuildingstateflags [BUILDINGRECORD_NUM] [FLAGS]''\\ TBD \\