===== Player Status Commands List ===== These commands set or return details of a particular player. **attach** ... ''*attach [PLAYER_NAME]''\\ Relocates you near to the position of the named player \\ **battlestatus** \\ **bring** ... ''*bring [PLAYER_NAME]''\\ Relocates the named player near to you \\ **clearinv** \\ **crowscorewipe** \\ **crowlives** ... ''*crowlives [PLAYER_NAME] [NUM_LIVES]''\\ Sets the number of lives the player will have in crow mode \\ **exitcrow** \\ **freezehealth** \\ **getsubstatus** \\ **gocrow** \\ **grantbankcash** \\ **grantcash** \\ **grantfuel** \\ **grantitem** \\ **grantskill** \\ **grantkudos** \\ **kill** \\ **killhealth** \\ **lasthere** \\ **removeskill** \\ **repair** \\ **resetneeds** \\ **resetpos** \\ **resethealth** \\ **resetwealth** \\ **resetplayervars** \\ **resettask** \\ **rewardset** \\ **royalty** \\ **sack** \\ **send** \\ **setage** \\ **setbirthtown** \\ **setcrow** \\ **setchat** \\ **setfamilyhead** \\ **setfollower** \\ **setfollowerid** \\ **sethealth** \\ **sethometown** \\ **sethunger** \\ **setkudos** \\ **setlevel** \\ **setlives** \\ **setmaxhealth** \\ **setoldestage** \\ **setplayervar** \\ **setroyalty** \\ **setslave** \\ **setslaveid** \\ **setteam** \\ **setthirst** \\ **setvehicle** \\ **showaccounts** \\ **showbankac** \\ **showbill** \\ **showfuel** \\ **showitems** \\ **showjobs** \\ **showneeds** \\ **showowned** \\ **showrented** \\ **showskills** \\ **showtask** ... ''*showtask [PLAYER_NAME]\\ Prints details of the task the current player is engaged in, if any\\ **showticket** \\ **showtribe** \\ **showuser** \\ **suspendhealth** \\ **usage** \\ **vehicle** \\ **wipe** \\ **wipeuser** \\