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world_setup:minigames_weapons [2020/01/28 17:50] – external edit [2023/07/22 07:16] (current) – [Introduction to Weapons] mit
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-==== Minigames & Weapons Overview ====+===== Minigames & Weapons Overview =====
-=== Introduction to Weapons ===+==== Minigames Overview ====
-Weapons on your world are created using combination of settings, the weapons definition file and (optionally) 3d models. +There are a few minigames built into the game that you can include on your world by activating them in different ways:
-**1. Whether your world allows weapons, or not.** +  [[world_setup:game_features:RC|RC Drones / Robocrows]] 
-To enable weapons on your world you need to set a global World Setting called Fighting. +  [[world_setup:game_features:Racing|Racing]] 
 +  [[world_setup:game_features:Fishing|Fishing]] 
 +  [[world_setup:game_features:Pub|Pub games (Chess, poker, etc)]] 
 +  * [[world_setup:game_features:Hornball|Hornball]]
-*settings -> World Rules -> Fighting+If you get into scripting you can create your own game rules. Minigames are made easier by making use of the [[scripting:subgames|Subgame script system]]. 
 +==== Introduction to Weapons ====
 +The World Editor (F10) has two main screens for controlling the use of weapons in the world : **Global Weapons Controls** (which sets parameters that affect how weapons work in general) and the **Weapons Editor** (which allows you to change the properties of individual weapons.
 +==== Global Weapons Controls ====
 +There are 3 main options for determining which weapons players have access to:\\
 +1) ***Weapon Selection Mode** -> **Set By Vehicle** : the weapons a player can use will depend on which vehicle they are in. The weapons available to the vehicle are set in the Vehicle Settings screens.\\
 +2) ***Weapon Selection Mode** -> **Selected by Inventory** : the weapons a player can use will depend on what items they have in their inventory. (Weapon item numbers correspond to the weapon types in your setup file).\\
 +3) You can also assign weapons to players via script using [[reference:server_commands:full_command_list#bonusweapon|*bonusweapon]] or [[reference:server_commands:full_command_list#bonusweaponsecondary|*bonusweaponsecondary]]
 +On this page you can also set which keys are used to fire weapons ( **Weapon Control** ) or you can use **Weapon Selection** -> **Inventory + next weapon select** which means the player has one weapon active on the primary key and then a 'select next weapon from inventory' button on the secondary key.
 +=== Other ways of affecting weapons ===
 +** Whether weapons work everywhere or just in certain places.**
 +By default, weapons will be allowed everywhere as long as you have set Fighting to 1, but you can add safe zones where no weapons are allowed.. Check out the Zones tool on the left panel in the world editor.
 +==== Modifying Weapons.txt directly (Advanced) ====
 +Weapons on your world are created using a combination of settings, the weapons definition file (**Data\Weapons.txt**) and (optionally) 3d models & sound effects. Weapons can also be tied in to Server Scripts.
 +Settings control which weapons are assigned to a player (though you can also do this in script) and if/when they're usable. The ** weapons.txt** file is used to set the specific behaviours of each weapon type. 
 +<note tip>Use the command ***refreshweap** to reload the Data\Weapons.txt file when you have made changes to it.</note>
 +The basic format for a weapon in weapons.txt is as shown:
 +Weapon 1
 +{            #Spear
 +  Fire=Basic
 +  Control=Javelin 
 +  object=Projectile 
 +  Speed=1000 
 +  graphic=2 
 +  delay=1000 
 +  item=NONE 
 +  damage=3 
 +  anim=AnimFire 
 +Weapon 2
 +{             #Plasma gun
 +  Fire=DualAim 
 +  Control=Basic
 +  object=Plasma1KeepHeight
 +  Speed=1000 
 +  Expiry=300
 +  delay=500 
 +  damage=50 
 +  sound=2
 +Check the [[World Setup::Weapons Reference|Weapons Reference]] section for full descriptions of the weapons parameters.
 +==== Raw Settings for Weapons ====
 +**1. Whether your world allows weapons, or not.**
 +To enable weapons on your world you need to set a global World Setting called Fighting. 
 +  *settings -> World Rules -> Fighting
 If you set it to 0, weapons will be disabled.  If you set it to 0, weapons will be disabled. 
 If you set it to 1, weapons will be enabled.  If you set it to 1, weapons will be enabled. 
 **2. Whether weapons work everywhere or just in certain places.** **2. Whether weapons work everywhere or just in certain places.**
-This is determined by the Surface Properties of your world - see Weapon Surface Properties. By default, weapons will be allowed everywhere as long as you have set Fighting to 1, as above, and you haven't altered any of the surface properties +By default, weapons will be allowed everywhere as long as you have set Fighting to 1, but you can add safe zones where no weapons are allowed.
 **3. How people on your world are allowed to use weapons.** **3. How people on your world are allowed to use weapons.**
-You have two options. You can make the weapons people can use depend on the vehicle they are currently in. Or, you can let anyone use any weapon as long as they own the relevant weapon ammoThis is determined by a global World Setting called Weapon Selection Mode, and is set in the usual way through the settings menu (type *settings, choose World Settings, and scroll down to Weapon Selection Mode). +There are 3 options for determining which weapons players can use:\\ 
 +1) ***Settings -> World -> Weapon Selection Mode** set to 0 : the weapons a player can use will depend on which vehicle they are in. The primary and secondary weapon types are set in the *Settings -> Vehicle sections.\\ 
 +2) ***Settings -> World -> Weapon Selection Mode** set to 1 : players will be able to use any weapon item that is currently in their inventory. (Weapon item numbers correspond to the weapon types in your setup file).\\ 
 +3) You can also assign weapons to players via script using [[reference:server_commands:full_command_list#bonusweapon|*bonusweapon]] or [[reference:server_commands:full_command_list#bonusweaponsecondary|*bonusweaponsecondary]]
-If you set it to 0, the weapons a player can use will depend on which vehicle they are in.  
-If you set it to 1, players will be able to use any weapon item that is currently in their inventory.  
-**4. Which vehicle uses which weapon.** +**4. Which controls a player must use to fire different weapons.** 
-This only applies if you have Weapon Selection Mode set to 0 (see above). By default, each vehicle on your world can have two weapons: a Primary and a Secondary. This is set for each vehicle in the Vehicle Settings menu. On your world, type *settings and choose Vehicle Settings. Scroll down to the relevant Primary or Secondary weapon setting for each vehicle, and set it to a number between 1 and 48. That's the weapon number it will use. The number corresponds to the weapon numbers in the Weapon Script.  +By default, a vehicle will fire its Primary weapon when a player presses the Tab key, and fire its secondary weapon when a player presses Shift + Ctrl
- +
-There are also some more advanced modes that allow more than two weapons per vehicle. These are explained in Weapons Control Mode.    +
- +
-**5. Which controls a player must use to fire different weapons.** +
-By default, a vehicle will fire its Primary weapon when a player presses the Tab key, and fire its secondary weapon when a player presses Shift + Tab at the same time+
 There are a few other options for setting the "fire" key for weapons, as well as other modes that allow more than two weapons per vehicle. Which mode you use depends to a large extent on what kind of game you're trying to create. These options are explained in Weapons Control Mode. There are a few other options for setting the "fire" key for weapons, as well as other modes that allow more than two weapons per vehicle. Which mode you use depends to a large extent on what kind of game you're trying to create. These options are explained in Weapons Control Mode.
-**6. How each weapon works and what effect it has.** 
-How quickly does a weapon fire? How much damage does it do? What's the reload time? All this and more is determined by the parameters set in your Weapon Script.  
-**7. What each weapon looks like.** 
-This is determined by a combination of the settings in your Weapon Script and the 3d models and textures you assign in your world server. See the sections on Changing Weapon Graphics, and Weapon Script Parameters. 
-=== Minigames Overview === 
world_setup/minigames_weapons.1580255429.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/28 17:50 by

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