The best way to make money.
By Zero (Tactical) (Drew)
Start out by renting a house at 1d, or buying a nice cheap one.
Find 2 jobs at 10s.
Buy some cheap food (about 200) 100 for stock.
Tea (200) 100 for stock.
Then if you can buy an industrial building, preferably an oil rig, a mine, or a chemical lab.
Now sell what you can, sell plastics if the chem lab (works on zoric if u wanna get money) oil rig, sell 2d, a mine, sell silicon for 8d, metals for 1s (and maybe someone will buy) and then in your spare time, find places which buy at those prices (plastics 13d up).
Then if your short on money, sell as much as you can, try not to invest much, and wait a week and you'll get money off ure jobs and industry.
If you want any extra help, the remington family is idustrial family only (retail, industry, production etc) but not farms, not housing...
Contact me for extra info..
My way to make money: my guide.
the metals cost 1s to make.. you cantt sell the for 1s if you wanna make money... and these tips are only reflect upon 3 types of building zorics already flooded with... Well, zorics flooded with everything cept wine and sweet shops... lol.
Mind you people this is not only way to make money, but good way... if you sell your metels for 1s1d, not 1s
Mind you people this is not only way to make money, but good way... if you sell your metels for 1s1d, not 1s