when attempting to land on zion, he gets kicked off into a netherregion of space, you see, there is no longer a faction banner next to his name, furthermore, when he tries to use the infimp drive in this state, it says that this device can only be used from space. a message comes up when being kicked, something like "the password does not match a player with this name on record, or something.
is this an issue of multis, or something much more sinister? the great one must know.

the great one has tried landing on zion, ariya, zoric, and iridis. sometimes he can last a few moments before being kicked into the netherregion of space, other times it happens more instantly.
if space can distinguish that yes, indeed, this is the great stimutacs, and to return his ship and space stats to he, why can he not exist on planets in the manner of which he was used to as well? mmm... a quandry