0.52.0 : Model materials
Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:19 am
One of the bigger (but not that big) changes for the 0.52.0 client will be added support in the graphics engine and .atm format for models with multiple materials.
What this means is that you'll more easily be able to create single models with shiny glass windows and stuff like that.
I will now commence with a random braindump of what else the material system means (Much of this may not make much sense initially :] ) :
It means you'll be able to use models that have more than one texture. You can now load a .x file that references multiple textures and it'll display and save properly as a .atm.
The extension to the .atm format means that when you have a material with multiple materials, the .atm file will include the texture data. This means .atm files get bigger, but you have a single file with all the graphics data needed for the model.
This leads to new possibilities for the way models are built. One (or more) of the textures can be overridden by the world owner, so you could (or probably should), for instance, build shop models where all the walls, windows and stuff are done using normal materials, then thered be a signpost which can be overidden by the worldowner.
Thereby, a worldowner might use the same "shop" model for various buildings on his world, but override each one with a simple signpost graphic indicating the type of shop.
like we do now, but easier. bonus.
Ultimately materials could also mean much nicer spaceship models, planets, buildings, vehicles and characters. In particular i reckon (if someone puts in the work with the new converter) existing planets and spaceships could be made a whole load prettier.
The extensions to the atm format mean that soon we could also support normal maps, environment maps etc that'll potentially make lots of things look very um, this-gen, rather than last-, but not quite next-. That may come soon or may take another year :].
Note : The bad side : Models with multiple materials will not render as quickly as those with just one, so expect a fps hit if you use a lot of them. (Particularly for those people with not so great PCs)
Finally, in addition to all that, theres been a proverbial pant-load of work done on the model converter, which as well as a material browser, now includes face-picking tools (so you can select a bunch of triangles and assign them to a new material) and a basic UV map editor. (This latter, barely functional, tool will at least enable the budding artists amongst us to fairly easily take existing models and remap them to multiple textures and materials and allow lots of windows and shiny effects. Oh yes.)
I will now stop writing, and at somepoint in the next few days upload all this stuff that will probably all fail miserably to work right.
One of the bigger (but not that big) changes for the 0.52.0 client will be added support in the graphics engine and .atm format for models with multiple materials.
What this means is that you'll more easily be able to create single models with shiny glass windows and stuff like that.
I will now commence with a random braindump of what else the material system means (Much of this may not make much sense initially :] ) :
It means you'll be able to use models that have more than one texture. You can now load a .x file that references multiple textures and it'll display and save properly as a .atm.
The extension to the .atm format means that when you have a material with multiple materials, the .atm file will include the texture data. This means .atm files get bigger, but you have a single file with all the graphics data needed for the model.
This leads to new possibilities for the way models are built. One (or more) of the textures can be overridden by the world owner, so you could (or probably should), for instance, build shop models where all the walls, windows and stuff are done using normal materials, then thered be a signpost which can be overidden by the worldowner.
Thereby, a worldowner might use the same "shop" model for various buildings on his world, but override each one with a simple signpost graphic indicating the type of shop.
like we do now, but easier. bonus.
Ultimately materials could also mean much nicer spaceship models, planets, buildings, vehicles and characters. In particular i reckon (if someone puts in the work with the new converter) existing planets and spaceships could be made a whole load prettier.
The extensions to the atm format mean that soon we could also support normal maps, environment maps etc that'll potentially make lots of things look very um, this-gen, rather than last-, but not quite next-. That may come soon or may take another year :].
Note : The bad side : Models with multiple materials will not render as quickly as those with just one, so expect a fps hit if you use a lot of them. (Particularly for those people with not so great PCs)
Finally, in addition to all that, theres been a proverbial pant-load of work done on the model converter, which as well as a material browser, now includes face-picking tools (so you can select a bunch of triangles and assign them to a new material) and a basic UV map editor. (This latter, barely functional, tool will at least enable the budding artists amongst us to fairly easily take existing models and remap them to multiple textures and materials and allow lots of windows and shiny effects. Oh yes.)
I will now stop writing, and at somepoint in the next few days upload all this stuff that will probably all fail miserably to work right.