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Eyecandy for your planet

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:52 pm
by morbydvisns
with the new server coming out, vers. .51.2, alot has been added on the planet side, specificly with scripting, allowing ALOT of new flexability in creating planets. Heres one i whipped up this morning that you may find interesting... This one is a payer welcome script. It tracks Unique visits (first time lands), and individual player visits and broadcasts that info when a player lands. It even has a special little area that will send a specific first-land greeting.

Code: Select all

Event( "PlayerLogin",  0 )
   sleep (45)
   *say Welcome to BongsFunZone, %Player%!
   sleep (30)
      if ($playervar9 = 0)
	$playervar9 = 1
 	$globalvar1 = $globalvar1 + 1
	*say Everyone welcome %player%.  Looks like this may be their first time here =)
   sleep (30)		
   $playervar8 = $playervar8 + 1   
   *say There have been %globalvar1% Unique connections, %player% has landed %playervar8% times.
in the above example, $globalvar1 is a server based variable, that tracks first lands
$playervar8 is a Player specific variable that increases by 1 each time the player lands.

$playervar9 is by default 0, so the first connect will be true, in that bit it turns $playervar9 to 1, so it skips that string after each players first connect.

You can see this script in action on BongsFunZone along with alot of others, and tons more to come.

hope ya's like it =)


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:34 pm
by Jayecifer
Now if I could only figure out how to access scripts to edit them. Do I just open the .MTS in notepad?

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:39 pm
by Fooli
yes jaye.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:48 pm
by Rikku
seems very interesting