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Sideways model doesn't want to be fixed

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:05 pm
by onionguy92
Alright, so I found a sweeet model of a hovercar in .3ds form on the internet. I did the usual model converter stuff, and then when I went to my world, the hovercar model was sideways. So I say, no biggie, I'll just rotate and resave it in the model converter. This should work, right? wrong. I rotated the model to the correct orientation using Rotate Z 90, and save the change. I open my world, and Taadaa! the model is still sideways. How can this be remedied? Cuz an otherwise cool-looking hovercar looks fairly stupid flying through the air sideways.

EDIT: I now recall this also happened with a model of a Boeing 747 I found. Couldn't fix it then either.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:28 pm
by Fooli
Almost certainly you're overlooking the most common trap in model conversion... just cos you change the model in the server folder, doesn't mean the client will notice the change. You need to save it into the clients folder too (or just delete the client version and have the game redownload it).


Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:11 am
by Jayecifer

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:24 pm
by onionguy92
Ah-hah. Yes, that would do it. It may be worth it in future versions to have some kind of failsafe that everytime someone logs on to a world, the game checks to make sure the models in the clients folder are the exact same as the ones in the server folder, and if they aren't, replaces those in the clients folder. It would add just a bit of extra time onto the time it takes to connect to a world, depending of course on how many models are used, and would probably prevent this sort of thing fairly easily if the script is well-written.

EDIT: I would be willing to try this myself if it can be done through Python. Do .atm files just write text to a file, or would additionally parsing beyond text be needed? Because if it's just text, it would take about 20 lines of code to make this work, plus a few additional lines to implement it into the world server clients (and possibly game--I'm not sure which does which when connecting to worlds.)

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:20 am
by DvdGStwrt
The dreaded Client Folder Struck again.

Here are a couple three tip to prevent this from happening in future.

1. Always name a changed file (model, texture, blah) to reflect what world it is from with a string of numbers e.g. Oraen_01, Oraen_02, etc. Keep your test files and steps as you go until you get the desired end product.

2. When you finish the file, have tested it an are happy with it assign a name to it composed of you world's name and "helpful" information e.g. Oraen_Mini or Oraen_Pine_67 - in the first case its the mini from Oraen in the second case its a pine tree 67 feet tall (per converter) from Oraen.

3. End each work session with a cleaning out of your client folder and your data folder of erroneous files.

When it comes to models with textures it is best of you name both the same that way you can match them together and can locate them together if you need to modify or change something.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:32 am
by Fooli
We do need some kind of checksum system, yes: not just for this but to stop people changing models clientside. It'd have to be built into the model format, though.

Some sort of script might be a reasonable temporary workaround but you'd need to talk to mit to find out if and how that'd actually work.

In my experience the best approach, when building a world, is to keep it locked while you're building it; and as far as possible keep all model changes clientside, until you're absolutely happy with it all and ready to "launch" to the galaxy... at which point, empty the server model and texture folders, copy the client versions across, upload to any websites etc etc. And from then on, any changes to content will need renaming so players pick up the changes.

Bit of a pain, yes. Just one of the many little joys of building a world at the moment.