Where have I been you ask? GRAPHICAL BUG *sob*

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Where have I been you ask? GRAPHICAL BUG *sob*

Post by Nigel »

In both clients, the beta galaxy and the client, its hard to explain, but il try.

when u load up, u can see parts of the desktop/foreground/whatever flicker in place, and i cant access anything in the game, i cant even ctrl alt delete because all I can see is the ctrl alt delete menu box flicker behind the a-tractor start screen, its like, i can see the game screen, but cant do anythjing with it, only way i get back on my pc is by restarting it manualy :?

so, graphical bug, or is windows xp that much of a pain? only happened in both tractor clients, so im inclined to think its a bug.

see you all soon, if it gets fixed :cry:
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Post by Mit »

strange.. you didnt get that initially right? And i aint changed anything major to do with the way things are displayed in game recently. Have you done anythin on ur puter (installed new drivers, updates or software) that might have affected it?
First thought for anything that weird is vid card drivers, but unless you've change somethin with them recently its prolly not that.. mmm

um, spose its also possible ya mighta got it locked in a confused window state.. which you could perhaps solve by deleting completely the entire game folder and reinstalling it from scratch..?
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Post by zaroba »

do you have anything running that could be set as an always on top thing or are you clicking the mouse at all while its connecting?

for me, i notice if i start the client, then click elsewhere while its connecting, the client will go fullscreen but not be the active window. useing the arrow keys, etc will cause active stuff behind the full screen client to flicker while the game client stays on top but not the active window. and the client wont go active at all until i use ctrl+alt+del to minimize it so i can bring it back up and small mode and re full screen it to make it active.
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Post by Nigel »

I will try both :) , but it could be windows xp service pack 1....ever since ive had that my pc's been having trouble, oh well, il reinstall a-tractor, and if it still dosnt work, il re-install windows on my new shiney 40gig 8)
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Post by zaroba »

i'm suddenly now experiencing this exact problem on my win2k comp.
i open the client, join an island, and then the full screened game isen't the active window and control+alt+deleting it completly closes it.

can Alt+Tab to it, its tricky though.
have to Alt+Tab two times, then see if the game window is active.