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Custom textures, why is it makeng them blue?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:38 pm
by flametard

Ok, so I ran 'defsnow through irfanveiw and inverted the colors, then i changed the colors to make it yellower. when i upload it into my auto texture as texture 1 (the highest texture) i go into my world and its dark blue, not dark yellow as the file itself displays. I tried changing it with photoshop and caled it obsidian2, still the same blue problem. i dont know why it accepts the color inversion but not hue adjustment.

this might shed some light on something. yesterday i was messing around with custom textures and quickly realized that it doesnt like textures that arent the right size or file. and it started making things blue, even the grass and sand. i uninstalled and reinstalled since then and now i only modify the default textures as to disturb the program the least, but it still generates texture 1 as dark blue but not dark yellow. oddly enough, it seems to be generating my customized grass texture ok.

not that this small change will affect my planet very much, m just trying to understand the engine better.
any ideas?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:29 pm
by flametard
heres another veiw with more light and it shows the grass for comparison.


Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:12 pm
by DvdGStwrt
Actually others like me who use autogenerated terrain texturing have ran into this same problem. There is currently a topic under bugs. I believe that MIT is addressing it right now.

I would ask that you chime in on the thread to let MIT and fooli know that this is a spreading issue:

And of course keep tabs on that thread to know when it is resolved.


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:24 pm
by Mit
good advice..

just to let you know.. im not ignoring this problem, im considering/aware/investigating/mulling over it. if i was sober enough i might even be able to fix it ;].
meantime, any info like the stuff fooli posted last might well trigger a neuron into understanding the problem at some point. until then.. mm.. yes.. somethings amiss, i dont know what yet :)

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:58 am
by flametard
thank you for all the imput! I am patient and am very enthusiastic about the potential for what you guys have here. i understand this is your art project and you have limited time and energy to devote to it, tottally understand cause i have projects too. and i too am also not sober. :lol:

by the way, i did my own test, using irfanview to change defsnow into the primary and secondary colors (of RBG) and just as has been noted before, blue becomes red, red becomes blue, bluegreen becomes yellow, yellow becomes bluegreen, and purple stays purple (lol) and green stays green. so whatevers going on its in RGB format but the autogen is thinking its BGR for some reason. so for the moment ill learn to use the other ways of texturing untill the autogen is working thanks again for the answers!

RGB- BGR could it be reading the spectrum backwards?!

/edit. oh yeah, and sorry, i didnt read the bugs forum before i posted here :oops:

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:24 am
by Jayecifer
Yellow and green make blue... :-p