I need my email change to djlittlebro@yahoo.com but I can because I created a user name that use djlittlebro@yahoo brofor this account and for so reason I never got an email to comferm it at all. That username was djaj88 If you check the IP addreass it would be the same as the one I have now since I'm useing DSL.
I had to create a second one to make this account I used djlittlebro@e-garfield.com
Email change
Didn't work I got this message: Sorry, but that e-mail address is already registered to a user. My other user stills exist in the system. Bah! /me hack system and correctes my e-mailKirby wrote:It probably never came to your first address cause possibly yahoo thought it was spamm...
Under downloads: Edit your profile to change your emaill