This storm caused chaos for the uk power system blowing over power lines. This caused a national blackout. Systems that also was efected where hospitals, trafic systems (bad when it comes to trafic lights... good when it comes to speed camares ) etc. Because of these tropical winds and the added fact there was no trafic lights there have been lots of car crashes and acsidents all over the country... cars/truks being blown off the road.
Its 8am and our street just got its power back... So gyruss is back online and I went to the BBC Weather Warning site and look what I saw!
Found Here: UK Weather and Flood Warnings
Saturday 8 January EMERGENCY WEATHER WARNING Storm force winds are expected this morning across parts of southern Scotland and northern England as far south as Lincolnshire. Gusts of 80 to 90 mph will uproot trees and cause structural damage to buildings. Driving will become extremely dangerous. All other parts of the UK will have severe gales. Valid until 1000 today.
Saturday 8 January WEATHER WARNING Heavy rain and severe gales will affect many parts of the UK. Further flooding is likely, especially in north Wales, northern England and Scotland where river levels are already very high. Driving conditions will be dangerous. Valid until 0800 today.
Saturday 8 January WEATHER WARNING Snow over northern Scotland will be heavy at times. Higher routes will be worst affected with strengthening winds bringing blizzards. Driving conditions will be dangerous. Valid until 1300 today.
Saturday 8 January FLOOD WARNINGS There are 4 SEVERE flood warnings in force in Scotland, 1 in Northeast England and 1 in Wales. Additionally there are over 90 flood warnings. Further updates will appear here.
Just goes to show that globle warming is doing its part as we have our own mini natual desaster.
My pump is starting to make thoes noises it gets when the power is low... will finish this tomorow as I think the UPS just kicked in.
/edit Just got a wether warning on tv... "Gale force 10 winds on the costline are cauing suvear flooding and you are urged to keep off the road and stay indoors"...
Humm I don't see staying off the road being a problem myself *goes back to bed*