system travel

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system travel

Post by nihilistic »

ok i have 11.4 creds. and need 14 to get the inf drive. seems my only options for getting to m-25 are iether i spend all of my planet cash on credits, or i sit around on battle zone for the next few days and hopefully get them 0.1 at a time. niether of witch seems super apealing. so im just wonder.. 1 how do we get the point drives and stuff..
2, how is any new player ever going to get there, much less figure out that its there in the first place. 3 why is the good at spations all the same price, i could make some money if i could transport goods around. can someone plz answer at least some of this asap.. ide really apretiate any help/advice i could get.
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check it out

Post by nihilistic »

ok.. i was able to get my inf drive. but ide still like to know what new players are going to do to get out there. i had to spend alot of money on several planets to get the creds together.
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Post by Vagrant »

Well, due to Biplane being down for awhile I've come up with the following plan.

Getting credits from Gyruss isn't too hard, start off, buy a house, learn a job skill that's in demand, get 2-4 jobs, buy about 7 real life days worth of food. Put 90% of what you have left into the bank. Use the remaining money to buy goods and transfer them between buildings in imperial for profit. This is ofcourse a bit tricky, but if you pay attention to who's buying and who's selling, and make sure the buyers have money invested, you can make a good 20-30s a day. Once you have 1000 in the bank, stock up on food and get yourself in a stable position. DO NOT exchange credits at this time.

Now that we have 10 credits waiting for us, we can go about getting the remainder. This means going to Tau Ceti and getting yourself established on Planitia. Lucky for you, labor on Planitia is scarce, so finding a few jobs shouldn't be too hard. Getting credits however will take a bit more time, so once you have yourself a house, a few jobs, and your money in a high interest bank, stock up on food and head to Battlezone via the quickplay menu. Once there, find out who else is trying to get kudos, and join their team. If no one is there, join team 1 and hope someone comes along to help you out. If you have more time to spend, build a refinery, ammo factory, and aircraft factory so you can bomb the default building near beta, that way if no one else joins the game, you still get a kudos. Repeat this 20-30 times depending on how lucky you can get with teammates, and how much you can earn on Planitia. If you only have 1 or 2 jobs that you can get, transfer goods between buildings, but watch out for tax. A few buildings on the planet are setup for mutual gain, learn which ones they are, and visit them often.

You might also want to try out Zoric while still in Tau Ceti, it might be a bit harder to find a house, but labor is also in reasonable demand. While you probably won't be able to earn credits here for awhile, it'll give you something to do while you wait on other planets.

One thing to remember though is to NEVER exchange money or kudos for credits unless you have a total of 15 that you can get between the worlds without having to reset to change systems. If you want to go and check into other systems use !resetme to change instead of using stardrive. I don't know if you lose credits when you reset, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Depending on how much time you have to spend playing, you should be able to get 15 credits within 7 to 10 days without totally screwing yourself on any planet. This will all be invalid once biplane world comes back up, so keep in mind that you might not need to get credits from these worlds yet. Afterall, there's no sense losing sleep to get those credits on battlezone or Planitia if you aren't in a particular hurry to get credits.

Another thing to note is that as more people try getting credits from battlezone, it might mean that you'd actually have to play. So be prepared to spend atleast 2-3 days here. It can be done, it just takes time.

I'm not suggesting that people should make a habit of getting something for nothing, or only sitting around for 90 mins at a time on battlezone. There are certainly things you can do on econ worlds to help the process along. And there is nothing saying that you can't spend the first 60-80 mins killing eachother on battlezone, then joining a common team so you all get credit. Naturally, if you just sit around expecting something to happen, it probably won't.
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Post by VDZ »

The "problem" is that this is a free game, the very few programmers do not get paid, and thus have their own jobs as well.
(Not to forget it's christmas now as well, but that's only yesterday and today.)
Which means not everything can be fixed.
Also, the space station trading isn't complete yet, that's why it's not working.