dramaking444 wrote: i am not trying to destroy the in-game chat system if that's what u think
I think you're trying to get your post count up, and suggest boring ideas to be honest.
If you want an MSN ring, do it yourself, ask for peoples MSNs, it's not that hard.
It might be that I'm tired and lost a bet, not to be mean or anything. But if you want one, it's cool, but stuff with the universal is how it stays, there will be no official MSN thing, MSN sucks, YIM is alright, ICQ is getting there, triallian is the best, AIM is bland.
To conclude my BS: do it yourself, do whatever, add people who play TU to your list, most people are on chat channels when they play, it would be more efficient for you to use the in-game system, instead of changing windows heaps of times.
In other words, I'm against the MSN thing.
The help is fine matey, if you used your eyes and read it a couple of times you'd be fine, you'd be the only person who doesn't know how to play, you can't start a world 1 week into your time with us, you still need to familiarise yourself with the basic commands, learn it 1 step at a time, no big jumps and you wont fall over.