Making vehicle, need help..

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Post by Fooli »

u need to stick the images on a server somewhere and point to the url within the img tags...
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Post by SilentAssassin »

I just sent you an e-mail of my images. Sorry, I didn't use my username :roll:

Hope you didn't delete them :roll:

Any comments?

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Post by Fooli »

I've mailed you this reply, but thought some of this might be useful for other modeller types out there... hope you don't mind me repeating some of it here.

> Thanks for the tip on mesh smooth:)

No problem. Subdivision HSDF (or whatever it's called) has much the same
effect, tho I don't really know how to use it...

> Any comments on how to fix the hood?

(here we're talking about a raised "bump" on the hood of a car - F).
I think u said u used Cut to make the shape u wanted, and then
extruded the faces - that's a good approach (the "Face Extrude" modifier is
more accurate for that than the extrude option in Edit Mesh, btw). If that
doesn't work you could always just stick another box on the hood - not as
neat but might give you more control over its shape.

> Also, I want to make the back hollow (no cover), if I were to use the
> extrude command it would have wierd sides:/

To make the back hollow - I assume you mean "pickup" stylee... you have a
few options. If you have enough poly detail in that section you could simply
extrude a few faces downwards into the body. Again, try the face extrude modifier rather than the one in Edit Mesh. Dunno why its better, it just is - especially if u want to extrude faces (triangles) rather than polys (squares).

Or you could build a cuboid of the right dimensions for the hole, and use boolean functions (under "compound objects") to subtract that hole shape from the main body. Same works for wheels too, if you're careful about it - make a wheel of the right
dimensions and subtract it from the main body to create the wheel arch.

Whatever you subtract using boolean modifiers does disappear, so make a copy
of it first if (like a wheel) you want to keep it afterwards!

> I still don't know how to make realistic wheels, axels (the wheels are
> floating there), doors, windows, and tailgate:(

The game handles wheels separately anyway. The converter lets you attach up
to two different wheel models to four specific vertices on your model -
wheels one and two are the front, and steer; wheels three and four are the
back, and don't steer. Basically you just need to build a wheel model that
fits the gaps in the wheel arches, and - most important - make sure there's
a vertex in exactly the right position in the wheel arch to attach the wheel
to. Or the axle, if you feel so inclined. So in your model, you might have a
cylindrical axle in the right place at the front and back; each end of each
axle has a vertex in the middle, and that's where the wheels will attach to.

While it's better to build models that are a complete, coherent mesh, you
don't *have* to - you can have a bunch of boxes and cylinders and so on that
line up with each other, but that aren't actually connected in any way,
should that be necessary.

> Any comments.

Looking good, especially if this is ur first attempt. Comments... the
bullbar grill thing at the front looks quite hi detail, especially compared
to the rest of the model, but as long as your polycount doesn't go too high
that won't be much of a problem; remember tho that in-game you spend more
time looking at the back of your car than the front, so to a certain extent
you have to take that into account (eg, "is there some more interesting
detail I should focus on for the back?"). Rough guidlines for polys -
anything under 300 is tiny, 300-1000 is a good level of detail, 1000 plus is
getting a bit hairy for older machines (imagine ten players using a 5000
poly car, for instance...).

Doors and stuff - well, if you can actually model the outline of doors, all
well and good, but most of that stuff can be done with clever texturing. You
basically have a flat side to the car, and using embossing and other clever
tricks, you can suggest a "3d" door on that flat surface. A bit like the
original tractor model in-game.

Hope that helps,