sinse zoric just went nutz i was able to mess around with the decorating of buuilding fences and laying surfaces. i noticed that there are only like 10 tiles at the most? whats up with that? what happend to all the onse there used to be? the onse that had a road turn tile, etc. i find this very limiting and as many may know from Zoric 1 i love my decorations and i also see the wall thing is not fixed or improved on would it be hard to fix? i dont mean anything bad im just wondering. it causes alot of screw ups and prollems. and theres 2 "walls" on zoric that just lays tiles and it ruined my decoration!! i think a good idea for the walls would be to make the line for the walls start right on the crack so u know exactly where its gonna end up. and have the walls end right on what block u stop at. depending on what direction ur pointing or going, depends on whether the wall starts or ends behind or in fron of u. also depejnds if the wall will go to the right or left of u.. i dunno.. i just see it as a big ole pain in the ass and screws stuff up. but is there ne way to add more tile textures in to the game again? i love decorating and i was crushed when i found out all of them were gone and is down to like 10
if these things can possibly be fixed easily that would rock. especially the wall thing this has been a prollem sinse the begining of time i remember in zoric 1 i had to have a written out chart what directions did what to the walls etc. that sucked :p
Surface Textures
wall preview is in version 1.32 according to mit.
were so many tiles in version 3.53 and earlier because thier was only one grass type. now that thiers custom ones, island owners need to make thier own grass overlays for the sides, turns, etc that would be in the Lay Tile tool. and, well, thats a bit hard because thiers no way of knowing what tile number should be what since the names were changed around 3.99 and no templates were made for them. so, for the first ones done, it'd take a bit of time.
were so many tiles in version 3.53 and earlier because thier was only one grass type. now that thiers custom ones, island owners need to make thier own grass overlays for the sides, turns, etc that would be in the Lay Tile tool. and, well, thats a bit hard because thiers no way of knowing what tile number should be what since the names were changed around 3.99 and no templates were made for them. so, for the first ones done, it'd take a bit of time.
it would most definetely be worth the time.. WE are talking about the beautifulness of our island! right now it looks sloppy ass hell cz peeps arent to smart. but just looking back on all the thing u could decorate, that was rockin, and very good lookin.. i mean, i made the first like 6 o 8 lane wide race track with them tiles i dunno.. i think it would most definately be worth the time