Im going on vacation
Im going on vacation
Tomarrow im going on a week vacation to colorado to fish. I will see you all next week

I'll be gone too
I'm going on a three week vacation to Sweden (my birthplace) to visit relatives.
Don't worry Zar, I set the buy prices a couple days ago.
Don't worry Zar, I set the buy prices a couple days ago.
im back early. colorado was the stupidest state ever so we came back. We caught 4 fish in colorado in 4 days then came back to missouri and caught 10 fish in 5 hours. We went to colorados best and they are nothing compared to back home. They need to come here and see a real lake. Then denver was totally retarted, i feel sorry for anyone that lives in colorado.
I'm back. So much crazy stuff happened during my flights. The cops came onto one of the planes when we landed and took a family and some other guy off the plane. Before we took off on the next plane, some guy was fighting with the stuartists about luggage and it was crazy. Only one thing to say during the course of the trip, people at airports are stupid (not the staff, the customers).