Its been a while since i last checked the forums and frankly every post since i last checked has been moaning/flaming/crying. If you want to flame each other do it ingame or just stick to 1 post, Its a small game with a small community and it really doesnt help that your all at each others throats all the time. And you wonder why people leave? Im not saying that is the true reason as i know many people are incredibly busy irl at the moment. But even SR and NR didnt fight this much and when they did they only posted it into 1 thread (which im sure you all know which one that is). New players are going to come to the forums and think, "What a bunch of losers" then quit again. The worst case scenario is a new player is going to come to the forums and think ,"This place is Troll Heaven!" and thats when we start attracting all the jack asses to the game.
So seriously, chill out.