!find command showing players online even though they aren't

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!find command showing players online even though they aren't

Post by Mishka »

Software:Universal Client
Version Number:51.8
When you use the !find command on some players, but not all of them, just some, they appear as if "in space" or on the surface of a planet even though they are not online. Here I will post a screenshot, jmoyet being the exeption in the pic wich is how it has to show up, but I can assure that the rest of the players are offline but they show as online by "in space" "in station...." "on planet...."


Steps to Replicate:
Use the !find command on the players in the above screenshot and on other players and see if the info it gives is correct.
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Post by Mit »

Do you know if they had been online recently (in the previous few minutes?) It can sometimes take a few minutes for the galaxy to fully update their status when a player leaves the game, so occasionally this would happen.
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Post by Gavinbaisk »

I can confirm this and no, most probably haven't. I can personally find them at any time i want and it says they are online or in a system somewhere.
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Post by zaroba »

it used to always happen when a person logged off while on a planet, !find would always say they are on that planet. used to be able to do !find torden and it would say he was on zoric more then a year after i banned him from zoric. tried it now and his account isn't found, so guess he was deleted from inactivity now.

heres a bunch that weren't recently on:
Jayecifer last connected to the galaxy on 4 Jul 2007 10:12
Jayecifer - In space station, system 272

kili4 last connected to the galaxy on 5 Jun 2007 18:41
kili4 - On the surface of Ariya (674) in system 225.

marcur12 last connected to the galaxy on 15 Sep 2007 06:18
marcur12 - On the surface of 420 (832) in system 272

nostradarmus last connected to the galaxy on 16 Oct 2007 19:21
nostradarmus - On the surface of Ariya (674) in system 225

in fact...i'm actually finding it hard to find one that actually says they are off line. the only ones that find is saying are off line are people that have connected today.

the following haven't logged in since november according to !lasthere:
maxtopp - In space
dolphinpyro - In space
Stimutacs - In space
TexasRedneck - On the surface of Zoric (831) in system 272.
catalpa7 - In space
bluenova123 - In space
Kamil25 - On the surface of Ariya (674) in system 225
jdweyant - In space