Software:Universal Client
Version Number:current
in game
in windowed mode, if you stretch/shrink it to a non default size, the environment wont change to adjust to the new size.
in the following pics, notice how the buildings ,avatar, and everything else gets stretched or squished with the window size change. it would be nice if the viewing area adjusted to match the windows size.
notice that with a thin window, everything is squished:
normal window, everything looks fine:
notice in the wide window, everything is stretched:
Steps to Replicate:
game view doesn't change with resolution change
That's not really a bug, AFAIK.
Widescreen resolutions require widescreen support: that's more in the way of a feature request (the main thing that bugs me is egg-shaped planets in space, in widescreen mode). Mit'd need to code it in I think.
But windowed mode... well yeh, if you stretch the window, you stretch the view. That seems kinda normal to me... most dx games that run windowed don't let you resize on the fly, but they give you the option to choose your window size. I've seen a few that stretch the view like TU does; can't think of any that let you resize without doing that.
I reckon it's all to do with field of view and that... the game engine renders what's visible in an arc from the camera. Say, 45 degrees. It then chucks that out the the window running the game. So if you stretch the window, the view looks stretched. But if it was possible to dynamically alter the FoV depending on the window size (I've no idea if it is) you'd get some very weird effects... stretch the window far enough, you'd get weird fisheye effects. Maybe able to see behind you, I dunno. It'd certainly have gameplay implications. I think that's also why widescreen requires special support - you alter the FoV to accomodate the additional horizontal resolution.
So anyway I think this is also more in the way of a feature request (I think - mit'd need to confirm). Probably just a request to get the windowed size chooser working. I think we have the dialogue stuff for that but no code. I use a little window sizer prog to set the window size for me...
Widescreen resolutions require widescreen support: that's more in the way of a feature request (the main thing that bugs me is egg-shaped planets in space, in widescreen mode). Mit'd need to code it in I think.
But windowed mode... well yeh, if you stretch the window, you stretch the view. That seems kinda normal to me... most dx games that run windowed don't let you resize on the fly, but they give you the option to choose your window size. I've seen a few that stretch the view like TU does; can't think of any that let you resize without doing that.
I reckon it's all to do with field of view and that... the game engine renders what's visible in an arc from the camera. Say, 45 degrees. It then chucks that out the the window running the game. So if you stretch the window, the view looks stretched. But if it was possible to dynamically alter the FoV depending on the window size (I've no idea if it is) you'd get some very weird effects... stretch the window far enough, you'd get weird fisheye effects. Maybe able to see behind you, I dunno. It'd certainly have gameplay implications. I think that's also why widescreen requires special support - you alter the FoV to accomodate the additional horizontal resolution.
So anyway I think this is also more in the way of a feature request (I think - mit'd need to confirm). Probably just a request to get the windowed size chooser working. I think we have the dialogue stuff for that but no code. I use a little window sizer prog to set the window size for me...