lensman wrote:Who or what are PIRATES by the way.
All I know is that there has been a lot of hot air being let out, and there has been no action.
I the Sandgroper who has been all the way around the unv, who has made a living out of trading.
I have just one thing to say. If there is such a thing or a group of players or a single player who calls them self a pirate. See if you can catch me in the deep outer space.
That is if you are game to go to the deep outer systems.
Remember I only carry the best cargo.
I is the Sandgroper
Catch me if you can.

Lensman catching traders is not easy at all....... you are intelligent and trade in deep space.. finding you is not easy at all.. the map is filled with hundreds of those little points.. guessing in which one you are is not easy.
Of course with the !find command it was alot easier...now it's gone. I do get some traders once in a while.... last time I got a ... nvm... that might not be in you interest.
Anyways it's great to see you to, kinda missed the whole sandgropper thing.
You will be crushed under the morbidly obese weight of NR.
and, btw, The Great Stimutacs says, "It's good to see you again, Mishka".
Well I'm not so sure about that but it great to see you to stim.
wb mishka, glad to see some older players back. not sure exactly how being morbidly obese is supposed to make NR sound tougher... maybe they're morbidly obese like an overstuffed teddy bear
haha lol wes, great to see you are still here. I really don't mind NR....