This game seems to have lost quite a large number of prominent players lately. As a result, it been hasn't been terribly populated. While the "lack of advertising" complaints seem to get thrown around here quite a bit, I'm sure that this is not the main reason for its significant lack of players. When a new person stumbles across this game and logs into it for the first time, I know first hand for it to be a bewildering experience. Most online gamers are used to the repetitiveness of the bigger games. These games usually go along the lines of...
1. See NPC "Lestar"
2."Lestar" tells player1 to kill animals in order to gain exp and level up.
3. When player1 reaches level X, he/she can fight in wars, buy a boat, increase their pet tigers' boost power, etc...
Thankfully, this game is nothing like those repetitive ones so newer players need a welcoming introduction to this frankly odd game. I'd like to think that a simple "Newbie Forum" ( Or just a sticky dedicated to this) would allow newer players to formally introduce themselves and ask any questions that they might have. Other helpful additions could include:
1: In game screens and messages urging players to register and introduce themselves on the official forums. (Most important in my opinion)
2. In game and on website messages with urls/links of, the TU Wiki, and any other helpful fan site.
3. Updated guides.
4. Messages urging people to spread the word about TU.
I think its time for this game to increase its kindness in general towards newbies.
Laters, kb.