Autogenerated landscape textures not being true to color

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Autogenerated landscape textures not being true to color

Post by DvdGStwrt »

Software:Unregistered Server
Version Number:50.4
world creation client
Red is blue, blue is red. Example: True blue (should be clear on the landscape) comes back as bright red. Bright red comes back as clear. Other shades of red are shades of blue, other shades of blue are reds. Yellows (as in sands) come back whitish-blue. This is only taking place with auto Terrain textures. Landtex, surfaces, roads/balh and model textures are all colored correctly (of course darkened for shadows and time of day)
Steps to Replicate:
Use auto terrain to paint the landscape.
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Post by Fooli »

I second this. I belive I've posted about this in the past: if memory serves it was fixed for a while, or maybe just "fixed" when I wiped my world and started again. Right now I've got a world on which I've generated texmaps using the autogen system. The texmaps work fine, but when I try switching back to autogen it all goes screwy. It's done this, if I recall, since mit added the new autogen mode 3 (the one I'd like to use, of course)


/edit. Um... no I don't second this. There is defenitely something odd going on, but I've just tried to replicate it and it's working fine for me. The only thing I can remember doing recently is retexture-mapping the surface of my world. Once I'd done that the autogen seems ok. Whether it's doing what it should (or I'm simply looking at the texmaps, not the autogen) I can't say. It might mean that autogen + main surface is maybe what's broken... autogen plus texmaps might be ok.

/edit edit: yup. My world, with texmaps, shows fine if i switch autogen from 0 to 1, 2 or 3.

If I remove all texmaps, and turn autogen on - so it's just autogen plus main surface - then I get weird blue colouring (instead of yellow/brown, in my case).
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Post by Mit »

could you please tell me what your 'main surface blending' mode currently is, and see if changing that makes any odds?
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Post by Fooli »

It's zero, and changing it makes no difference.

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Post by DvdGStwrt »

I've tried 0, 2 and 3 on blending modes. and its now currently set on three.
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Post by Fooli »

One thing I forgot to mention: are you using standard sized textures (ie, power of two)... are you using either 256x256 or 512 x 512 input textures; and are you using bitmaps, not jpegs, as your source textures for autogen?

Ok, three things :)

The answer ought to be yes to all three (it is for me) but just in case... I remember having problems in an earlier version, that didn't support 512 source textures, when I was using them. You should only use power of two textures (256x256, 512x512) and as far as I remember, 512 is the size limit (though feel free to prove me wrong). Equally, bitmaps work best as the input texture.

Oh, and... don't forget about .dds caching. If you have caching turned on, and you're playing with the input textures, then the client will always use the .dds version rather than the bitmap you just overwrote as a test, kinda thing.

Oh, and (is this five, six things now?) it's worthwhile checking to see if you still get the problem with the standard textures included in the install. That is, defsnow, defgrass etc. If the problem goes away, then either it's something wrong with the format of your chosen textures, or the game doesn't support whatever it is you're trying to do, or it ought to support it but mit broke it again. As mentioned above, I used to have this problem in the past, then it went away, and now it's back.

Thassit :]
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Post by DvdGStwrt »

Yes I stick with two by two, and my largest (autogen texture) is 512x 512. Yes they are all bitmap (thus I have stuck to the smaller size.

I have cleaned out the dds (cleints folder) and all of that. I have renamed textures, I have used default (comes with the game textures).

I am not the only one having the problem: Flamtard is able or knows how to post pictures and the bluishness of his images is exactly what I am getting as well.

Mind I am even using textures that I used on my last world, and was using back before model texures were auto applied across the land scape. Back then my textures were "true" in color and blended nicely.

I was careful to not run here immediately to report a bug, I did go through every possible point as listed above. This only happens with the autogenerated textures. If I switch to 0 (to where the same texture is repeated endlessly) the color is true. I tested each and every single texture I desired to use this way.
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Post by DvdGStwrt »

Also I tried true colors, i.e. blue, red, grey, green, yellow - using bitmap images and MS paint, solid colors. I was trying to use .savegentex to map out my land features I figured that using different solid colors would define each elevation and make it easier for me to locate features on my maps, then through elimination and addition of textured autogens "paint" a landscape.

I noted that true blue turned red, and red turned true blue (actually transparent on the landscape)
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Post by Fooli »

Nope, I'm not saying you're wrong - I agree there's something fishy going on. Sounds like you're doing everything right. But this is a weird issue. I've just tried wiping my map, generating a new landscape, assigning some random 1024x1024 bitmaps to autogen, and... guess what. It works perfectly. Yet only last week it was doing the blue thing.

I only spent 20 minutes or so doing this today, and wasn't expecting it to work. All I can remember doing is:

Switched from bitmap to fractal landscape
Decided that was crap and went back to a bitmap
Deleted all previous autogen textures
Selected a load of new autogen textures (perhaps significantly, these all had completely new names compared with the old ones)
Assigned them... put on autogen mode 3... relogged... ding. All worked fine.

I've tried that technique btw, using autogen to help map out the landscape for painting. It sort of works. In that it works, but in the end you've always got the problem that the difference in resolution between the heightmap and your texmaps is so great, you can never really paint that accurately if you're looking to do something like paint a road on. You can approximate it, but I've always been frustrated by it to some extent.

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Post by DvdGStwrt »

Grrrr. On again off again color issue? Hm.

Anyway what I was going to do was make a dessert (sandy texture) over some low hills to the east (about one gentex'd map). Convert the side of steep mountains into stripes (3 long to the far east) sort of geological layering, use a different grass texture on the landmass to the south one tex map. Toss in a bit of darker texturing here and there were future forests will be in those maps.

All of that would blend into the final autogen terrain which would cover the rest of the map leaving me with a few texmaps to use elsewhere.

I tried roads, paving and other features and the amount of stretch on the image was impossible.

Of course this would be a lot easier if we had more texmap slots and could stack those puppies on the landscape. Or, better yet, if we could tex map over the lanscape with a transparent color that would let the auto-gen show through that way I could place sandy areas, "shadowy" forest floor, etc here and there.
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Post by Fooli »

I've just experienced this joy all over again.

I had a world set up for subspace - ie, no landscape at all, so everything was default (zero, off) except the landscale, which I'd changed.

I started trying to build a normal heightmap landscape. Assigned a map, turned on autogen mode 3, everything was fine.

I set up some heights for autogen in *settings, everything was fine.

Then I tried smoothing the landscape in the server's terrain settings. At that point the textures fecked up (colours wrong, blue shinola everywhere).

Putting the smoothing settings back to zero didn't fix it.

So there we are... smoothing may be responsible in some way. I didn't change anything else.
