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Post by Kona123 »

How come when you fire your weapons, the bullet/lazer dosnt come out of the gun? It comes from the middle of the ship, whats with that? It would be kinda cool if it would come out of the gun on the ship. Like my other idea though, its not the end of the world if this dosnt happen.
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Post by lucifer1101 »

well when fooli mde the sprite for the lasers they are set by default to come out of the origin unless he tells them otherwise.
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Post by Fooli »

Almost :]

Space ships are a bit different to models on worlds. Normally, when I make a vehicle or something, I have to set a "weapon attach point" on the model: that's the point from which any weapons fire will emerge. In space, however, the lasers are positioned by mit: they're hard-coded. So are the position of the thrusters, the chase cam, turret cam and a few other things.

If there's a ship where the lasers come out the middle, instead of the wings, either mit forgot to set it; he set it, but I've changed the ship model since; he meant them to come from the middle; or something's broken.

Long-term I'd like mit to allow me to set up some of this stuff (he likes having control of the camera, I think, but it'd be much nicer if I could just set thruster and laser points on a model). Until then, um.. well we'll just have to make do.

Which ship is it, btw?

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Post by Kona123 »

Well, i was just noticing it on my gal freighter (wich is awsome), but all the ships really, and the cargo transport dosnt even have a gun. I just thought it was kina weird, i was looking at someones ship, there were 4 guns on it, but only one stream of bullets came from the middle.
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Post by lucifer1101 »

i would like to see this corrected as it would look very stoopid
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Post by Kona123 »


I know im not supposed to bumb topics, but Mits back, so I thought I would.
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Post by Fooli »

If it had "4 guns" I imagine it was the x-fighter or one of the weird alien ships: and I imagine the bullets come out the middle because at the moment we can only have a maximum of two "streams" per ship. I guess at some point mit'll update that (for now, I'm gonna leave it at two guns per ship on anything new that I build). It's a minor annoyance, aye, hardly earth-shattering :)
