Pub (in?)functionality

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Pub (in?)functionality

Post by morbydvisns »

Software:Universal Client
Version Number:current
when your in the pub, you cant buy any beer until its stocked, once stocked, and you can buy beer in the pub, it will only let you buy a round (i know this part may not be a bug, due
to the message displayed when attempted).. anyway. when you buy a round, it charges the purcher the sell amnt set by the pub owner, but no needs are affected, invest doesnt go to the pub. and it seems when ya exit the bar 1 beer comes out of inventory but invest isnt changed.

along with this bug/functionality report, i would like to add a request that lottery purchases go to pub invest.
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Post by killkill »

i think some of this could have been included in feature requests, but i see wat u mean by the bar functionality. it gets annoying when i try to by a beer 4 myself but i cant. i mean seriously, i want to see my pixelated man drunk!!
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Post by Fooli »

Heh. I'm not sure what the ethical implications would be, given that we have many young players, but it'd be fun to have some drunk animation states and random control changes for when you've bought a round too many. I suspect we can't do that but hey, maybe there's an educational angle. "Killkill was killed while drunk driving" :)
